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St Agatha's Parish Cranbourne

129 Sladen Street, Cranbourne, Australia
Religious Organization



St Agatha's Parish is a gospel & eucharistic centred, spirit-filled and prayerful Catholic Community located in Victoria, Australia in the Diocese of Sale. St Agatha’s Catholic community is a place where you can truly belong; where you can truly be at home. Whether you are on the fringes of Catholicism, whether you are just starting out on the journey of Catholic life, or whether you’ve been Catholic all your life: we value you as a person. Our parish offers many opportunities for you to grow and develop your potential, to discover your giftedness and God-given talents and encourages you to reach out to others to do the same. Whilst we realize the importance of the development and nurture of the individual, we also place equal importance on community: of standing together as a family through all of the joys, struggles and challenges that each day brings. As a well-known proverb states ‘shared joy is double joy, shared sorrow is half a sorrow’; we support each other throughout our lives and stages of faith.

At the heart of St. Agatha’s Parish is Jesus Christ living and active among us.  Above all it is in celebration of the Holy Mass and in the other Sacraments that we encounter the Lord Jesus.  This loving encounter in spirit and truth spills over into an active love and service of one another and all whom we meet.  This reaches a high point in our participation in the “New Evangelisation” that “the kingdom may come.”  Prayer and especially Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is the other fountainhead from which all the spiritual energy of our Parish flows and bears the fruits of the Holy Spirit among us.


Catholic Diocese of Sale

Catholic Diocese of Sale

LifeChoice Australia

Do you remember this young woman standing up at Masses earlier this year and telling us she was going on mission? Well here she is; this is a small part of what she has been up to!! Good to see our young people being a voice for the voiceless!!

LifeChoice Australia


Here is this weekends bulletin! May the Lord bless you this weekend!!


Hi there everyone, the bulletin is now available!!


This weeks bulletin is now available! Have a great weekend!! 😀🤣😇

Photos from St Agatha's Parish Cranbourne's post

Rosary procession on Day 1 of the Three Days visit of Statue of our Lady of Fatima to St Agatha's Church Cranbourne as part of the centenary celebration of the Fatima apparition. 9.30am and 7.30pm - Holy Mass 8.00pm Mon and Tues - Special Talk. No tickets required.

Photos from St Agatha's Parish Cranbourne's post

Photos from St Agatha's Parish Cranbourne's post

The Way of the Cross with the Youth of St Agatha's Catholic Church, Cranbourne.

Photos from St Agatha's Parish Cranbourne's post


The Easter bulletin is now available!! May you and your families be blessed this Easter as you welcome the Risen Jesus into your hearts!!

Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne

Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne

Catholic Diocese of Sale

Some photos from the Chrism Mass at Sale on Tuesday!

Catholic Diocese of Sale

What is missing in this word: C H _ _ C H? Yes that's the answer: U R! All is in readiness for the Triduum celebrations over the next 3 days. We'd like to see you there if possible: tonight the Lord's Supper @ 7:30pm, tomorrow Good Friday @ 3:00pm, and then the Easter Vigil on Saturday @ 7:30pm. On Sunday Mass times will be as normal: 7:30am, 9:00am, 10:45am & 6:00pm. For those coming to the Good Friday celebration, please note that it may be advisable to park at the Shopping Centre and walk to the Church to avoid traffic congestion; we also have set up our 2 parish halls with a live audio/video feed linked to the Church, & have set up a Kids Corner to keep the little ones engaged too!! God bless you, may you have a blessed and holy Easter!!

What is missing in this word: C H _ _  C H? Yes that's the answer: U R! All is in readiness for the Triduum celebrations over the next 3 days. We'd like to see you there if possible: tonight the Lord's Supper @ 7:30pm, tomorrow Good Friday @ 3:00pm, and then the Easter Vigil on Saturday @ 7:30pm. On Sunday Mass times will be as normal: 7:30am, 9:00am, 10:45am & 6:00pm. For those coming to the Good Friday celebration, please note that it may be advisable to park at the Shopping Centre and walk to the Church to avoid traffic congestion; we also have set up our 2 parish halls with a live audio/video feed linked to the Church, & have set up a Kids Corner to keep the little ones engaged too!! God bless you, may you have a blessed and holy Easter!!

Timeline Photos

Timeline Photos


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