CrossFit Cranbourne
CrossFit: "constantly varied, functional movements performed at high intensity"
- Olympic Lifting
- Gymnastics
- Cardio Conditioning
Here at CrossFit Cranbourne we use the handstand within our logo as a symbolic metaphor to encapsulate what we do – turn you upside down so you change your way of thinking and change your approach to obtaining your fitness goals.
CrossFit is more than just a good workout. It’s about being functionally fit: giving your all, never cheating yourself, and discovering depths that you didn’t know existed within yourself.
Our program is designed for universal scalability making it the perfect application for any committed individual regardless of experience, age or fitness level. We scale load and intensity; we get you fit fast.
Want to see what CrossFitt is about? Come in and try it out. We’ll guide you through your first workout and show you why CrossFit is the fastest growing strength and conditioning training trend in the world.
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facebook.comS.O.C. Sons of Cranny
CrossFit Cranbourne has formed a new Motorcycle Chapter based out of Seminyak, Bali. We are the Sons of Cranny ✊😂 (play with sound on for full effect)
Wanderlust 3
2 camps .. 2 groups of great crew and awesome memories !!!
Couple of days left in paradise. ☀️🌴🏋🏼 Epic sesh with Dave, Anna, JT, Tilly, Court, Harper and crew
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Our very first international CrossFit retreat has come to an end 😫 Our trip to Bali has been absolutely fantastic! With a great blend of training, playing, relaxing and adventuring it has been a great pleasure to show our members a place we love so dearly. We are grateful for the amazing culture and beautiful community we have at CrossFit Cranbourne. We were blown away when so many jumped at the idea to spend their holidays away together. We will certainly plan to do it all again next year, and make the trip even better! A huge thanks to Dave Driskell and the entire crew at CrossFit Wanderlust in Canggu, Bali. These guys are the real deal when it comes to destination CrossFit. All lovers of keeping up a little exercise while on holidays, do yourselves a favour and head to this box. Back at the box we are not far from starting our annual Training Partner Challenge. This challenge is a fantastic way to keep you on track and smash some goals through the winter months. The challenge is open to everybody, all new members welcome! Stay tuned for more info soon!
Wanderlust 2
A little footage from the Bali Camp crews rafting adventure! Epic fun! Putting all of that CrossFit to good use.
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Thank you Dave and the crew at CrossFit Wanderlust. Our first retreat group has just finished up their trip. CrossFit, rafting, mountain biking, Bintangs, cocktails, fresh coconuts, scooters, swimming, sunshine, cheap beach merch, massages, food food food and a tonne of laughs! Epic holiday, time to do it all again with crew number two!
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From Last nights sunset
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All the massages #3977retreat #wodprehab
CrossFit Cranbourne Tropical Paradise Camp begins TOMORROW!!! 😆😆
Some Sunday Inspiration 🙌🏼
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Friday Shout Out to these ladies!! Today we wanted to send some love to these girls... Sophia, Allie, Emma, Gemma & Krysten These ladies have been on absolute 🔥 the past couple of months! Their consistency and determination at training has been a pleasure to coach and their hard work is paying off! Amazing work girls! *In truth we could have about 70 ladies on this post! Every single one of you girls are inspiring!