Coffs Medical Centre
For experienced, professional family medical care. We have 14 doctors on staff ready to assist you with any medical issue. Ask about Bulk Billing. All members of the practice team offer a welcoming environment for the patients. Our Doctors have longstanding relationships with all allied health providers and specialists within the community. The Doctors care for a large number of patients in nursing homes and aged care facilities and provide after hour service for the patients of the practice. The clinic is centrally located within the business area of Coffs Harbour and provides an on-site pharmacy pathology service and onsite patient parking. The Clinic currently has visiting psychologist , dietitian, podiatrist, and exercise physiologist.
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Just tooooo funny.........
Cancer Council NSW
Photos from Coffs Medical Centre's post #ThankyouSES
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Phone 66485222 if you have not had your flu shot yet !!
Department of Health | Healthy Weight Guide
Healthy Eating is a focus this month at CMC.... Call in if you would like a booklet to get you started !! Or log on to We also have a dietitian working with us at CMC...
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Hiya.. Have a wonderful week everyone....
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What you doing today ???
Not all breast lumps are sinister but all must be checked out
Ladies, even though not all breast lumps are sinister, ALL must be checked out.
Australian Medical Association
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Is there a man in your life that has not been for a checkup for a long time? Welcoming new patients 66485222
Love love love this little girl......
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At Coffs Medical Centre, we genuinely care about you, and your well being.