Supercheap Storage
Supercheap Storage is a portable self-storage system. Our aim is to provide the easiest and most cost effective portable self-storage solution in Newcastle Supercheap Storage is a portable self-storage system. Our aim is to provide the easiest & most cost effective portable self-storage solution in Newcastle
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We take great pride in taking the best of care of our valued customers stored belongings! Your goods are safe and secure in an immaculately clean Warehouse, with back to base 24 hour security and highly trained professional staff. Call us today on 49 622 244 to arrange an inspection to store your belongings with us at our Warehouse in the centre of beautiful Newcastle!
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The Summer heat won't stop our Removals team from providing our customers with outstanding service! This mornings customer was thrilled with the punctuality, speed and professionalism of our crew. We love happy customers!
Supercheap Storage - Fast Affordable & Portable
We come to you, we load you up, and then we store everything away, a one-stop solution! If you thought that finding the best, safest and easiest way to store your items would be a difficult task, relax. You’re already here! From just $2.99 a day. Find out more
How Much Can you Fit into a Supercheap Storage Module?
Whatever it is you are looking to store, we’ve got the perfect storage solution for your needs. We offer mobile self storage that’s Super Fast, Super Portable and Super Affordable. check us out a
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Two simple words with the right meaning..✌🏼
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Anyone else suffering from the weekday blues ?? 🐶😴💤
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Let us solve your storage problems this winter ❄️. Get yourself one of our storage modules for just $49 this July !! 😃🚚
King Beardankhamun
This is the last remaining piece of original Mulga The Artist artwork on our Supercheap Storage module panel to be auctioned - Check it out and help raise money for SIDS & KIDS
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When it comes down to surviving each weekday, we think BIGGER is BETTER! ✌🏼️
Supercheap Storage's cover photo
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Let's just say we don't store puppies, but if you have one this cute we might keep him !! 🐶📦