Katrina Bourke Coaching
Look, feel and be the 'You' you want to be!
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facebook.comAcknowledge yourself
John O'Donohue
I just love this man's words.
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Me time! I finally set up my hammock and you are looking at my afternoon view for the rest of summer! #fillyourowncup #naturelover #backyard #selfcareisnotselfish #siesta #soakupthesun #thesimplelife #lifecoachingforwomen #melbournelifecoach
Get comfortable with feeling uncomfortable
Today's crazy Melbourne weather reminded me that nature is the ultimate guru and inspired me to write this quick blog post. I hope it has meaning for you. http://www.katrinabourkecoaching.com.au/2016/12/29/get-comfortable-uncomfortable/
Elephant Journal
Just say yes. ..
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Sending you love and thoughts wherever you are and however you are spending this Christmas Day. Katrina x
Six Seconds
This is a quick read about a good strategy for maintaining your integrity in challenging situations.
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Christmas Presence 2016 12 Days, 12 ways to fill your own cup DAY 12: REFLECT Today is the final prompt for Christmas Presence. Today I invite you to reflect on the past 11 days. What has helped you make time for yourself each day? What have been the benefits of being present, even for just short moments at a time? Which strategy really resonated with you? What is worth turning into an ongoing habit? When will you begin this habit? Wishing you peace . Katrina x
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Christmas Presence 2016 12 Days, 12 ways to fill your own cup DAY 11: NOURISH When we feel super busy, exhausted and overwhelmed with all we still have to do, it can be tempting to reach for caffeine and sugar to pep us up and keep us going. Today as you go about your business, choose foods and drinks that that make you feel vital, energised and good all day long.
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Christmas Presence 2016 12 Days, 12 ways to fill your own cup DAY 10 : GET REAL It's time to get real about your to-do list! Take a critical look at what you have planned for today - write it all down so you can see exactly what you think you 'have to get done' today. Then (and here's the reality check!) write down beside each item how long you think it will take to complete - you'll quickly see whether you have been reasonable in your list making or not. Oh and finally! Be sure that you include some time for filling your own cup on your list!
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How are you as the year draws to an end? Are you feeling a bit tired but generally happy or are you feeling exhausted, overwhelmed and like you just want to run away and sleep for a week? If you’re in the exhausted and overwhelmed camp there are two things you need to know: 1. You are not alone. So many of us spend our time doing, doing, doing for others and run out of time for ourselves. 2. There is another way of being. I can help you find the time for yourself that you crave but just never seem to be able to achieve. Let me help you make 2017 the year you’ve been promising yourself: - make time for yourself without feeling selfish or guilty - achieve work-play balance - take control of your inner mean girl and learn to believe in yourself - get less busy and less overwhelmed Contact me to set up a complimentary consult where you can experience my coaching style first hand. Get in touch on 0400 720 040 or email katrina@katrinabourkecoaching.com.au ***Special Offer for January*** Take part in a complimentary consult with me in January and receive 20% off the ticket price of my March SOUL SPA Day Retreat. Those who begin a coaching package before March receive a fully complimentary ticket to Soul Spa.