No Frontiers Media
No Frontiers Media is an independent studio making in-depth, investigative multi-media products, covering key social and environmental issues. No Frontiers Media is an independent studio making in-depth, investigative multi-media products, covering key social and environmental issues. We believe ideas plus stories plus art equal change.
We make work to push the creative, intellectual and geographic frontiers. We promote collaborations across fields of expertise and locations, to create stories with multiple global perspectives.
Our work spans issues such as climate change, environment, economics, society and development. Each piece is presented in an innovative way with a strong narrative.
No Frontiers products are distributed in a variety of ways, through mainstream and alternative media, on and offline.
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facebook.comAs Worlds Divide, the documentary film
Great film soon to be completed by the amazing Rob Henry, founder of the Indigenous Education Foundation (IEF). You can get involved in protecting Mentawai culture and traditional knowledge by volunteering with IEF - the full details are here:
A Woman's Epic Journey to Climb 7 Mountains—Shot on a Phone | Short Film Showcase
Beautiful film shot on a smartphone (admittedly a very expensive one). Shows creating great content is more about ideas, practice and care than a fancy camera. Hope you enjoy it.
No Frontiers Media's cover photo
A picture from the Solar School, in Chimirol, Costa Rica.
A new film coming out soon from our regular partners NCDFREE, looks really interesting! Stay tuned! :)
The Nerdwriter
How Trump and David Blaine are not so different. Thanks Nerdwriter!
Check out Veronica Ruiz's story as shared by the WHO! Plus don't forget to watch our NCDFREE film "A Taste of Change" that Veronica stars in! It follows three Mexicans as they fight obesity and diabetes, at the national, community and individual level. The impacts are frightening, but change is possible if we all do our bit! Well done Vero! :)
No Frontiers Media's cover photo
Cultura Colectiva
Esta video es corto y dulce en el forma que nos gustamos. :) Simón Barquera, Veronica Ruiz, Rebecca Berner :)
Photos from No Frontiers Media's post
Time for some good news right? Watch, "The Solar School" to see how a little primary school in the highlands of Costa Rica has become a beacon of people power and sustainability. Hopefully we can all learn from and be inspired by them, and our schools can do something similar. ... Tiempo para algunas buenas noticias ¿verdad? Vea "La Escuela Solar" para ver cómo una pequeña escuela primaria en las tierras altas de Costa Rica se ha convertido en un faro del poder de la gente y la sostenibilidad. Esperemos que todos podamos aprender y ser inspirados por ellos, y nuestras escuelas pueden hacer algo similar.
The Solar School
High in the mountains of Costa Rica there's a wonderful little place called Chimirol. Their primary school, of about 250 students, including many siblings and cousins, has become a shining example of sustainability. They will be the first public school in the country to be certified carbon neutral, after already receiving ecological certification. Their motto is reuse and recycle, they grow food in their own greenhouse and since 2014 they've been powered by solar. Well, if you've got a spare 2 minutes you can listen to Yonder, Nicole and Dalay tell you all about it. Special thanks to Escuela Chimirol for their time and Purasol and Foundation ALTENER for making the project possible. ... Alto en las montañas de Costa Rica hay un pequeño lugar maravilloso llamado Chimirol. Su escuela primaria, de unos 250 estudiantes, incluyendo muchos hermanos y primos, se ha convertido en un ejemplo brillante de la sostenibilidad. Serán la primera escuela pública en el país a ser certificada carbono neutral, después de haber recibido ya la certificación ecológica. Su lema es reutilizar y reciclar, crecen los alimentos en su propio invernadero y desde 2014 han sido alimentados por energía solar. Bueno, si tienes 2 minutos de repuesto puedes escuchar a Yonder, Nicole y Dalay te cuentan todo. Un agradecimiento especial a Escuela Chimirol por su tiempo y Purasol y Fundación ALTENER por hacer posible el proyecto.
Mexico's soda tax will save 18,900 lives and more than $983 million over...
Interesting news re: the Mexican soda tax. To see the story behind the story, check out our film "The Taste of Change":
Timeline Photos
We met these amazing women and their families just outside Tegucigalpa, the capital of Honduras. They are working with Asociación Madre Tierra to fight food insecurity, by battling Monsanto in the city when they can, and growing their own food in their gardens always. They showed us all the food they have been growing, and gave us tasty sugar cane to munch on. Then spent a day outside the National Congress promoting organic food, and exchanging insults with some members of the ruling party who were having an event out there too.