Global Echo Consultants
Global Echo specializes in Diversity, Leadership & Behaviour Change. We offer business and personal facilitation and training. Global Echo operates on universal principles of respect, preservation (of self & environment) and ethical practice.
Our expertise lies in a range of fields including:
- Specialized training & group facilitation
- Intercultural & interfaith understanding / collaboration
- Communication
- Mediation
- Research & report compilation
- Grant applications
- Capacity building & strategic development
- Marketing, PR & events
- Public speaking
- Media relations
We are connected to a network of professionals that offer other areas of expertise such as:
- Corporate business development
- Organisational restructuring
- Art Therapy
- Photography
- Adaptive Leadership
- Healthy lifestyle choices (food, sustainability & permaculture)
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Happy festive season to all our friends and a huge thank you to all our partners and collaborators this year :) This is a great time to reflect back on the year just passed and create some intentions for the one about to begin :) Nature offers us a beautiful space to sit in silence, go inwards and create space for things to shift as they need to. Peace & Love to all during this period <3
This woman is a fighter, a brilliant artist and a powerful role model for modem society. Great speech & well earned award M.D.N.A #madonna #women #girl_power
As 2016 nears its last days, we're getting very excited about this - what will be the biggest event in 2017! Early ticket sales now open - don't miss out on bargain rates for a knock-out event. If you want to apply for a stall/act/service check out Hosted at the sacred and historical site of Hanging Rock, Victoria Presented by IndoMystic events in collaboration with Global Echo Consultants and other colourful beings :) Proudly supported by #pbs_radio Ajit Matt Ajit Abbha Ajmal Cesar Marzetta Jemma JS Go Jason Jason Anya Ali Anne-Laure Guilb'o Abdulrahman Liliana Colette Danielle Fredi Enzo Angela Amber Audi Jodestar Alexei Roland Antonio Mounir Amy Cathy Adrian Bridie Belinda Ishara Samya Anthony Ee'da Fabrizio Teresa
New video by Hala Abdelnour
What an amazing weekend! So grateful to debut 1001 Melbournian Nights at the Fair@Square Festival in partnership with Moral Fairground. We thank all artists who contributed to this event Luka Lesson Tanya Edlington Ee'da Brahim Tariro Mavondo and Marlène Marzetta Habib. Thank you to all the volunteers who assisted all day long and to the lovely and wonderful participants who shared their stories in our workshop space. We look forward to the next time <3
1001 Melbournian Nights
Beautiful image by the talented kivu adding to his invaluable volunteering :) #volunteersrock
1001 Melbournian Nights
Début at Fair@Square Ethical Lifestyle Festival 2016
Travel Buddie
These guys are rockets!
1001 Melbournian Nights
Début at Fair@Square Ethical Lifestyle Festival 2016
Resilience #mayaangelou #women #resilience #powerfulwords
Fair at Square Festival 2016
Don't miss the first ever 1001 Melbournian Nights this weekend at Fed Square! We present workshops and performances by the very talented Ee'da Brahim Tariro Mavondo Luka Lesson Tanya Edlington & Marlène Habib. Hosted by Global Echo as part of our partnership with Moral Fairground at the #fairatsquare Festival 2016. Register for workshops early and go in the draw for Dr Bronners gift pack: Hala Harley Ajit Audi Ola Claire Mona Amal Mary Rosemary Mary Cicchelli Mary Mary Go Mariana Lorena Lau Yau Akoch Ali Aey Ai Caroline Bruce Paul
Photos from Global Echo Consultants's post
Breakthrough: the future is gender equality
Powerful and timely conference ... great conversations about how we will move forward in tackling gender inequality and violence towards women #breakthrough2016 Emma Marlène Bree Amy Tanya Matt Maria Denise Ajit Ai Rachel Danielle