Interested in Australian Commonwealth fisheries? Like this page for news and information from AFMA. The Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA) is responsible for the efficient management and sustainable use of Commonwealth fish resources on behalf of the Australian community.
We monitor and manage commercial Commonwealth fishing to ensure the health and viability of the marine environment and the fisheries – commercial, recreational and indigenous – that it supports. By doing so, Australians will be able to enjoy fresh, local seafood and other fishery benefits now and in the future.
Working in partnership with other Australian Government agencies, we also play a key role in protecting Australian waters from the threat of illegal foreign fishing.
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FISH FRIDAY Today’s catch: Yellowfin tuna. Lovers of sushi and sashimi rejoice! High quality, fresh yellowfin tuna is sustainably caught in the Eastern Tuna and Billfish Fishery (ETBF). The 2017/18 ETBF fishing season started this week and with increased, sustainable catch limits for yellowfin tuna, keep those sushi rolls coming!
Great news for lovers of Australian tuna
Tuna-round… No, we’re not about to launch into a Bonnie Tyler song, but with good catch limits in the Eastern Tuna and Billfish Fishery (ETBF) this season (which opened yesterday) there has never been a better time to fall in love with one of the many tunas caught in this fishery.
Illegal fish pirates jailed. A collaborative effort between Australian Border Force, Parks Australia and AFMA to apprehend and investigate suspected illegal fishing has resulted in jail time for several repeat illegal fishers breach of their good behaviour bonds. The vessel used by the fishers was also destroyed in Cairns recently (see photos). Find out more at
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Thank you! Thanks for helping us celebrate 25 years of AFMA! Australia can be proud of our commercial fishing industry and AFMA looks forward to celebrating our golden anniversary with you in 2042 – on whatever technology we use by then!
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In addition to AFMA being formed, 1992 was a year of many other firsts including the Brisbane Broncos taking the NRL premiership trophy north for the first time, while in the AFL the Perth-based West Coast Eagles took the trophy west. Planning a BBQ to watch the next game? Why not throw some Aussie seafood on it.
Photos from Australian Fisheries Management Authority's post
Did you know AFMA has an office in the Torres Strait? Our Thursday Island office works closely with traditional and non-traditional inhabitants to manage the Commonwealth tropical rock lobster, fin fish, bêche-de-mer and mackerel fisheries.
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FISH FRIDAY Today’s catch: eastern school whiting is prized for its sweet, delicate flavour. The fish live close to the sea bed and are mainly caught by Danish seine and bottom trawling. The fish BBQ, bake and steam well, but be sure to handle them carefully as they have a delicate texture. Find out more
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It’s not often our Lakes Entrance, Victoria Port Sampler gets stumped by a Species ID, but this stumpyfin jellynose (Ijimaia sp.) caused some head scratching!
Sustainable catch: Blue-eye Trevalla Check out this video from CSIRO on how research provides greater certainty around total allowable catch (TAC) for blue-eye trevalla to ensure it remains sustainable for the future.
Department of Agriculture and Water Resources Graduates
Welcome aboard! Two of the graduates have started at Australian Fisheries Management Authority in Fisheries Services and Foreign Compliance Policy.
Fisheries Queensland
We couldn't help but laugh at Fisheries Queensland's weekend funny! Want some ideas of seafood to add to your plate this week? Check out the species caught in Commonwealth managed fisheries at
Australian Fisheries Management Authority
The Australian Fisheries Management Authority, the Australian Border Force and Parks Australia have apprehended two Vietnamese fishing vessels and their crew of 29 men suspected of illegally fishing near Saumarez reef in the Coral Sea marine park. Find out more at