Denture & Dental Clinic in Camberwell
Mr Graeme M Robertson is a Dental Prosthetist and Dental Technician for more than 35yrs He makes Full & Partial dentures, Repairs. Relines & Mouthguards.
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facebook.comWe hOpe THat SaNta finds you all safe and well this CHrisTmas🎅🏻 And may CHRistmas fill your life with love, compassion, tolerance, peace and happiness🎄 H a v e. A. W o n d e r f u l. S e a s o n!
WHO IS A DENTAL PROSTHETIST? The majority of Victoria's denture wearing public consult or attend Dental Prosthetists (Advance Dental Technicians) for all their denture needs. Dental Prosthetists are highly skilled and qualified professionals specialising in the field of constructing, supplying and fittings of removable DENTURES directly to the public. Referral is not required. Services offered are: NEW DENTURES (partial or complete dentures),denture repairs, relines and sports mouthguards. All persons engaged in contact sports should consider as essential equipment the wearing of a mouthguard, as means of minimising the risk to natural teeth. Professionally constructed and fitted by your Dental Prosthetist. Dentures in excess of 5 to 6 years old should ideally be replaced. Particularly if the symptoms are: cracked or continually sore corners of the mouth, if your dentures are very loose, or show excessive wear, if your dentures cause continual discomfort, if your facial features lack support, or you have over closure or look older. Other factors are clicky jaws, painful jaw joints (TMJ), or headaches. The oral tissues are constantly changing and receding. All these factors should encourage immediate consultation with a Dental Prosthetists - THE DENTURE EXPERTS!! The highest consideration is always given to appearance and function, and of course to personal requests. DENTAL PROSTHETIST are fully recognised by Australian Health Funds, and the Veterans Affairs Department for eligible patients. - WHITEHORSE GAZETTE 28 MAY 1997.
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Another thank you card, another happy patient🌻 - The Practise Manager
High St Road Dental & Denture Clinic
Denture & Dental Clinic in Camberwell
#Denture Clinic #smilecareprofessional #confidentsmile
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If laughter is the best medicine, a SMILE 😀 is a free therapy! #smilecareprofessional #bestdentureforyou (Walk in the park at lunch break=free dose of Vitamin D)
Denture & Dental Clinic in Camberwell's cover photo
#Graeme Robertson #Denture Clinic
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Construction of New Partial (22, 21, 11 & 12) Chrome Casting Denture. Dental Prosthetist: Mr Graeme Robertson Objective & Expectations: - To show more teeth - Aesthetically natural looking - More upper lip support - Good smile line 🍏 #dentures #natural looking #DenturemadeinMelbourne Before After
Denture & Dental Clinic in Camberwell's cover photo
Denture & Dental Clinic in Camberwell
Graeme M Robertson, our Dental Prosthetist has more than 35 years of experience constructing dental appliances. After he finished his apprenticeships in Melbourne, as a covetously young lad, he went to London to work in Harley St as a Dental Technician during the day and pulling ales after work at The Coach & Horses off Fleet Street, a real Aussie working abroad in the 70s who liked to learn, survive & travel!!! He quickly learned the skills while he sees the world with his backpack, surfboard and an old comvi van! Presently, Graeme has two private Clinics to treat his loyal patients, see referrals, and running a Dental laboratory servicing the local dentists that keep him on his feet, but his passion to travel and collecting old stamps are always on the agenda. 🍏 #GraemeRobertson Dental Prosthetist, Melbourne.
Denture & Dental Clinic in Camberwell