EU certified medical device, bio-resonance is a non invasive, highly accurate (up to 96%) way to discover and treat diagnosed/un-diagnosed health issue. Health Discovery using Quantum Physics
Today, our western medical world seems to be all about poking, prodding and testing your body in an effort to discover why you are feeling less then well! There seems to be a never ending cycle of testing this, probing that, sample bottle for this, swab for that..... Blood sample here, urine test there.....Not to mention being subjected to a biopsy, or heaven forbid... Exploratory surgery!
Imagine a device that is a totally non-invasive health discovery and recovery device that can search your body for hidden health issues and ailments. Imagine if this device could then provide or recommend effective healing therapies or courses of treatment.
Sounded to good to be true? Well, it is reality thanks to the cutting edge technology of German and Russian scientists who have developed a software program and device based on the science of Quantum Physics.
This device is known as the “Sensitiv Imargo” and has shown accuracy levels up to 96% in Russian clinical trails and is designed and manufactured to meet and exceed all requirements necessary to be classified as a medical device.
Now the good news is, this device not only exists, it is here in Broome.
First designed to be used by Russian Astronauts as a health diagnostic and healing device, the Sensitiv Imargo has achieved wide acceptance as a medical device and is used by doctors and therapist right across Europe.
And now the Sensitiv Imargo is in Broome and available to help you overcome that illness or disease that is getting on top of you and destroying your quality of life!
This unique device is based on the dynamically developing understanding of Quantum Physics and how it relates to the human body using bio-resonance science. It is the use of this “Bio-resonance” that allows the device to make a full patient checkup quickly and without any bodily intrusions.
This then allows for in-depth patient diagnostics of potential declining health issues, including the risk of progression of illnesses or diseases and the detection of harmful microbes, parasites, bacteria, allergens and viruses that are present in the patient.
Also, the Sensitiv Imago device has the unique ability to make individual healing preparations (homeopathic) or provide other bio-resonance therapies for the patient.
What is Bio-resonance?
Bioresonance is a technology solution that uses electromagnetic frequencies to detect pathological problems, bacteria, viruses and parasites as well as toxins and other harmful substances. It can be used to reliably detect food intolerance's or allergies of any kind, it can help with detoxification and is incredibly potent for treatments of addiction (ie stopping smoking etc.)
The Bioresonance machine “Sensitiv Imago” uses the latest bio-resonance technology with incredible accuracy (up to 96%). The Sensitiv Imago system is the latest noninvasive device created to simplify diagnostics and treatment.
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facebook.comHow to help avoid allergies this summer "Allergies are a response to non-harmful environmental substances that can result in a variety of symptoms: sneezing, congestion, headache, coughing, sore throat and itchy eyes. Although most allergies are generally non-harmful, some can cause a severe reaction that can be fatal. Some potential causes for this over-reaction include nutritional deficiencies and poor digestion. The most common form of allergies today are seasonal allergies which can be caused by pollen, grasses and weeds. The natural allergy cures below may help relieve or speed recovery. Top Foods For Allergies Fresh fruits and vegetables – Provide important nutrients and generally do not cause allergic reactions. A juice fast can help with detoxification. Clean lean protein – Helps the immune system. Aim for 3-4 oz at minimum per meal. Shellfish can be problematic so avoid consuming. Flax and chia seeds – Can reduce systemic inflammation leading to a reduction in symptoms. Adding chia seeds or ground flax seeds to salads or a smoothie is a great way to consume these important foods. Ginger – This herb is anti-inflammatory. Add a small amount to green juices or make ginger tea. Cold-pressed oils – Coconut oil, palm oil, and olive oil are easy to digest and anti-inflammatory. Foods to Avoid Gluten – A protein found in most foods processed from wheat and related grains, such as barley and rye. It is likely to be found in most packaged foods. Gluten ranks at the top of allergy causing foods. Conventional Dairy – The pasteurization of dairy destroys necessary enzymes which can cause allergies. In addition, the protein found in most of our North American cattle contains a type of protein known as beta casein A1. This protein tends to cause allergies because of its histidine amino acid which is a trigger for both food and seasonal allergies. Trans fats and hydrogenated oils – These contain fats that increase inflammation which may lead to immune reactions. Eggs – May be mucus producing for some people. Processed foods – Contain additives (under the term natural flavors or certain food dyes) that can cause allergic reactions in certain people. Top 5 Natural Allergy Supplements #1 Stinging Nettles (300-500mg 2x daily) Shown to be effective in reducing hay fever by reducing overall histamine production. #2 Quercetin (1000 mg daily) An anti-inflammatory flavonoid found in red wine, green tea, citrus, and onions. It has been shown to reduce inflammation and hay fever. #3 Vitamin C (2,000mg daily) A powerful antioxidant that has antihistamine properties. It can also boost the immune system. #4 Bromelain (250 mg daily) An enzyme found in pineapple which reduces swelling especially in the nose and sinuses. #5 Raw Honey (2 tbsp daily) Look for local, raw honey. It’s vital for the honey to be local because the bees are making honey out of the common plants in your particular area and contain local pollen. Dosing yourself daily with honey made from these plants can help your body learn to deal with the common allergens from these plants".
The Truth About Cancer
Are you and your loved one struggling to GET PREGNANT? Or are you unsuccessfully trying to LOSE WEIGHT? Do you know that a toxic level of heavy metals can hinder your success in both these areas? Some of the symptoms of unhealthy levels of heavy metals in your body are: • Obesity • Infertility and miscarriage • disrupted reproductive endocrine function • general hormone imbalance • Anxiety • Depression • Brain fog – forgetfulness and confusion. • Often feeling tired, ill and a general feeling of discomfort • Chronic pain throughout the muscles and tendons or any soft tissues of the body. • Cancer, auto-immune diseases, thyroid issues, and chronic so-called “incurable” illnesses For men, there is clear evidence that high concentrations of mercury in the body will interfere with semen quality (sperm quantity as well all sperm motility). Some study’s also show evidence that high levels of lead and Cadmium can cause the same issues as well as sperm damage. Getting rid of your heavy metals doesn’t guarantee you will get pregnant or lose weight. Both of these targets have many aspects. But since getting pregnant or losing weight are whole body events it makes sense to increase your overall health to help prevent future potentially serious health conditions. If you have heavy metals and you do fall pregnant, you will be passing those heavy metals onto your unborn child! In my natural health clinic I use a device that is certified and used as a medical device across Europe. This device is able to diagnose and help treat the above mentioned conditions and its symptoms or secondary illnesses. Please call Andrew (qualified in BioResonance) at Return To Health on 0491 238 999 for further questions or to make an appointment. Not sure?? We offer a satisfaction GUARANTEE....”If by the end of your session you feel you haven't received value.... YOU DON’T PAY and we part as friends”.
Why You Need to Stop Carrying Your Mobile Phone in Your Pocket or Bra
4 Early Warning Signs of Prostate Cancer
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Shattering cancer with resonant frequencies: Anthony Holland at TEDxSkidmoreCollege
This is BioResonance Therapy in action! Watch till the's worth it, you will be amazed by the last 5 minutes of the video! Bio Resonance and this method of treatment is available right here with us at Return To Health. Call us if you have questions or to make a booking 0491 238 999 Ps. Please be aware that the device we are using in Broome is 50+ years more advanced then the one in the video...
Testimonials: “I have Chronic Neurological Lyme disease. My illness is not recognised by the government in Australia so there is no standard path of treatment. I have battled for 29 years to get a diagnosis, and have been chronically ill and at times debilitated for long periods for 15 years. Some of the effects of Lyme disease on my system include brain lesions and heart disease. I started treating my condition and the many co-infections Lyme Disease brings with it 15 months ago when i was finally diagnosed. In that time my general health has improved with various alternative treatments but not so much as it has improved since beginning bioresonance with Andrew Chambers. I have had 8 sessions on the Sensitiv Imago and the profound difference i am experiencing in my overall health and wellbeing is astonishing. I am now able to cook a proper meal almost every evening, (without having to hold myself up with the bench),and do the dishes after, i am able to get through a whole day without 2-3 or more hours of sleep or inactivity. I can walk with ease instead of feeling like i am traipsing through mud with every step. i can do gentle exercise. yes! exercise! wow! My cognitive function has improved, my pain has decreased. i have only had two serious headaches and both of them were manageable and dissipated in a day without drugs rather than up to 6 weeks with strong medication. The bioresonance has been life changing for me and by proxy my family." Chrissy C, March 2016, Broome "Highly recommend Andrews work, after one visit to Andrew my daughters 'virus' that kept her in bed all week has finally gone. Many thanks". - Vanya.W., March 2016, Broome “I have been coming to see Andrew for 5 weeks now. My legs and feet were going numb from two spinal operations. With treatments the numbness is something that I rarely feel now. Also my lower back, which has been fused is no longer hurting and I have more flexibility. Today we did some food testing. So interesting – to me it’s really worth seeing what your body likes and doesn’t like. Certain foods I have been eating my body doesn’t like at all. The treatment has been good. Even just to have a better understanding of how your body is doing and your overall health. A definite improvement on pain levels.” Margaret, March 2016, Broome “I have suffered from Hives for 12 years. Most of the time the hives spread all over my body and’s quiet debilitating and irritating!! The last 2.5 years have been chronic. I don’t know if I have missed one day of anti-histamines in the last 2 years! I have tried to test what caused them for years. I have gone to doctor after doctor with not result. 3 weeks on Bio-Resonance and I have used 4 tables in this time. Now we are also testing foods and drinks against my body and I am getting better and better.” Miriam.F, March 2016, Broome “My wellbeing, (a feeling of overall wellness) has been significantly better since having my first 2 Bio-Resonance treatments. My acid reflux has been hugely improved and now when I sneeze, I no longer nearly pee myself every time.” Lisa.J. March 2016 Broome Please be aware that the Bio-Resonance device we are using at “Return to Health” has been tested for its accuracy in the EU and has a proven 96% accuracy in the diagnostic of illnesses. It’s accuracy was such that it is now a certified medical devise in the EU and many other countries outside the EU are currently undergoing the certified process. We have had a great response from Broome locals wanting to test Bio-Resonance out and have had a few Health Workers checking it out as well. Over all we are receiving the thumbs up for accuracy in diagnostics and treatments. Andrew has undergone training and is certified in Bio-Resonance. Of course there is never a guarantee that it will work for everyone. But we truly believe that Bio-Resonance can support you and your family in your recovery to health. Not sure?? We offer a satisfaction GUARANTEE....”If by the end of your session you feel you haven't received value.... YOU DON"T PAY us and we part as friends”. To make a booking please call Return To Health on 0491 238 999
Official EU website of Sensitiv Imago
"Method: The latest researches, carried out by laboratories in USA, Germany, Russia, Japan has shown that cells, tissues and organs are the structures that possess very exact bio-electrical characteristics. It was proved through numerous tests that these characteristics can drastically change in presence of pathological processes. The Sensitiv Imago medical diagnostic device identifies the pathological processes, even in the very early stages, when traditional methods like ultrasound are not effective. Each pathological process, causative agent, each deviation of homeostasis have their own electromagnetic spectrum. Depending on specific organ, Sensitiv Imago aligns itself with the frequency of electromagnetic impulses of this organ. So the device reads the impulses from an examined person and then our proprietary program processes the data and identifies all the pathological processes going on in patient's body. The database of the Sensitiv Imago bioresonance device contains models of all pathological processes. Sensitiv Imago automatically compares the electromagnetic spectrum of patient's organism with benchmarks in it's database. At the final stage, Sensitiv Imago automatically selects the methods of holistic healing and tests supplements for best results based on patient's pathologies. So, the Sensitiv Imago Technology enables you to get full preventive information about patient's health, localize any early presentations of damages within just 1 hour, with a 96% precision. You can even build accurate prognosis of any disease development for 1-5 years ahead. It is impossible with any other diagnostic method or equipment on the planet." source:,
Bioresonance Therapy Devices - Introduction and Benefits
At “Return To Health” we are using the Sensitive Imago Device – the most advanced device in Bio-Resonance in today’s market. This device is medically certified across the EU and in many different countries. Clinical trials have shown it to have a diagnostic accuracy of up to 96% with therapy treatment capability just as powerful. We offer a satisfaction GUARANTEE....if by the end of your session you feel that you haven't received value.... YOU DON"T PAY us and we part as friends