No Bull Fitness Training will test your fitness and mental limits.
Specializing in Obstacle Race and Muscular Endurance training. My Name is Dan Andrikis, Owner/founder of No Bull Fitness Training.
As a fitness professional it is important for anyone wanting to be trained by myself to know where I come from and what experience I have in the fitness industry.
What can I give to you that other trainers cannot or what other trainers don’t have experience in.
As far back as I can remember I was always great at running, (more cross country than sprinting). During primary school I got a place in most races.
I was always very active at home, couldn’t sit still, fidgeting. My mother decided I needed to lose some energy so she enrolled me into little athletics. I participated in a couple of the events and my favourite was 1500m and 3000m runs.
I decided to have a crack doing the race walk. Always laughed at it because it looked funny. The very first time I attempted the race walk I broke the club record by some 30+ seconds. This was over 1500m
I had people coming up to me from all over the place asking to train me and congratulating me. I loved the spot light.
I competed constantly at little athletics till the end of the season making the club team in the walk at state champs. Within 6 months of my first ever walk I placed 2nd at state champs. I was 14 years old.
I was approached by a man Nigel Crew, whom was to become my coach. He had a couple disabilities and had a weird cough. He was belittled by other coaches because of this but didn’t diminish his great coaching techniques. He offered to train me FREE of charge. He had an unorthodox way of training and just wanted to prove it worked.
He was my coach for 5 years. Always turned up, never complained and never asked for a cent.
My coach trained me in what was to become one of the most wanted and smoothest techniques in the race walking community in Australia.
He trained me to represent my state within the first 12 months in the sport. He trained me to be mentally strong. He trained me to not give up and to LEARN from every race regardless of the result.
In my second year in the sport I got my very first placing at national level. A silver medal.
Nigel asked if I would consider training for the world junior champs.
This was a massive ask of a 16 year old. Of course I said yes.
I was the only walker in Australia to qualify at the 1992 world junior championships at the trial.
I had made it the big league at 18 years old. I was on the Australian team to represent my country at the world junior champs held in Seoul Korea in September 1992. I was on the same team as another very famous athlete that was on her way up in her sporting career. (Cathy Freeman).
I placed 17th in the world at the championships.
At this stage of my athletic career, I was consistently placing in the top 3 at Australian championships. Many bronze, Heaps of silver. But that ultimate GOLD was just out of my reach. Until the U20 (under 20 years of age) 20km race walking Australian champs in 1992. I got my gold. There are no words ever to describe the joy, the feeling of being the best in your country. When I received that prized gold medallion, I was full of goose bumps, almost teary. Standing on the number 1 position on the podium hearing the crowd clapping and cheering just for me, hearing my name announced over the microphone saying that I won was the most rare and fulfilling moment in my sporting career.
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AGGRESSION SESSION 3 is coming in 2018. 12 hour and 24 hours of BRUTALITY, and that is no bull.
No Bull Fitness Training's cover photo
Photos from No Bull Fitness Training's post
A couple weeks ago we hit Mt Wild horse. Only took these guys 4 hours to do 1 lap which covers 1.4km.
Spartan Race
Ok guys and gals. We will do this as part of our 4 hour session.
Hi all. There will be NO Sunday training this weekend the 9th. There will also be no training on Easter Sunday.
Taurus 200
Sorry all my phone is not responding to messenger. Tomorrow training please bring a pack if you have one. Please bring dead weight up to 20kgfor women and 30kg for male. I will bring weight as well so dont worry if you don't have enough. Any questions i will answer after 6pm.
We have a GOAL for you 12 hour participants in the AGGRESSION SESSION 2. This patch will NOT be easy to earn.
Taurus 200
Wild Horse Mountain
This Sunday Super session will be held at Mt Wildhorse in beerburrum. As always bring water, sunscreen and plenty of insect repelent. Meet in the car park at the base of the mountain path. FREE for NBFT members, $35 for 4 hours or $20 for 2 hours. This will be a load bearing session. Turn off at Johnson Rd on Bruce Hway and follow signs to the lookout. Any questions please ask.