Yoga Practice Space
A supportive and nurturing environment that allows for any level of experience to explore the possibilities within their body.
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so I woke up super grumpy, 4.30 is never a great time to start unless its habit. The sun wasn't quite up yet. But the moment we started to practice, the cool morning air, the cicadas, birdsong and the rising sun gracing the tops of the trees really amplified the yoga, this perfect presence on the mat. And by the end of it, lying in shavasana looking straight up into the sky as lorikeets flew overhead, I felt simply and abundantly happy.
Sometimes you need to stop to move forward
We are Open!
How to say Thank You with all your heart!
Sometimes we need to thank the people who make our lives hell, because they are the wayfinders to the really good stuff
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One of the things that brings me great joy is that my 3 year old son does yoga. He of course does it in his own little way, and moves far more dynamically than I could dream off, but he understands that it is this art of movement and experience that is joy. He also teaches his dad how to practice sometimes ( hilarious) and has shown me some pretty inventive sequences. He won't be teaching at the studio yet but you never know, one day.
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A big thank you to everyone who has booked in for this weekend's yin yoga workshop! It is now booked out, but we will be hosting another one on Sunday March 12. Get in touch to reserve your place!
Yoga for Healthy Aging
Opposing Views
Loving meditation as detention, as my fellow meditators and I used to laugh about how we essentially seemed out solitary confinement
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Allow me to introduce myself When did I discover yoga? The very first time I did yoga was at Yoga in Daily Life when I was 16. My best friend and I giggled our way through it, pretty much like we did everything, but we both knew it was something good. I kept practicing at home, from books, and I fell in love with Ashtanga. I had this little primary series sequence that I practiced at home every morning and went to classes to do. I realised one morning how it completely changed my state of mind. I woke up manic like a monkey but after the series I was calm and things were possible again. That was my first brush with its power. I didn't really grasp how vast that power was until much later when I met my teacher Clarissa. But that is a whole other story. Favourite pose: At the moment Ardha Chandrasana (half moon pose) is my obsession. There is this complete integration of heaviness and lightness when you do it. Though you cannot beat Kurmasana or Butterfly(Yin), there is no greater pose for disappearing. Advice for Students: Where you place your awareness dictates your entire experience- in life and yoga. And to quote Bruce Lee- Don't Think- Feel. What has yoga helped to overcome? Addictions to substances, drama, anxiety, depression, a cancer scare. It still helps me to overcome any niggling insanity that I'm living with and face the things I'm scared off. Its totally changed me, which is harder in a lot of ways because I used to be quite hard, and now I'm vulnerable and I feel things a lot more. But I'm lucky, I have this practice that helps with everything. What is the most rewarding thing about teaching? When I was an artist I always was trying to create this 'experience' for people that would truly bring them into the HERE and NOW. Now I get to teach that. And everytime its a totally new experience.
Yin Yoga Workshop
Yoga Practice Space's cover photo
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We are reopening on the 29th January from 2pm with a 2 hour yin yoga workshop hosted by Laura Luck. An opportunity to tune into your body, find and gently change its limits and delve into deep full body relaxation. Workshop is $40, spaces are limited so book asap by messaging us or emailing