Seasons of Grief Australia
Beth O'Brien - to share information, support, training, and the hope to recover from loss and grief, to enable people to have a more fulfilling life.
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facebook.comCNN International
So glad he spoke openly about his long term un-attended to grief.
ABC News
"It isn't that the dead don't speak, it's just that we forget how to listen" (Pier Paolo Pasolini).
Second chance to learn about death and dying through free online course - Palliative Care
Great course for you to consider, all free.
Council of Australian Humanist Societies
Australian Humanist of the Year announced.
These Elderly DIY-ers Came to Peace With Death — By Crafting Their Own Coffins
Lovely story from our neighbours in New Zealand.
Community and Family Services | Grief Counselling | Counselling Helpline
Needing help with grief , Griefline Community are always available.
Does your grief stem from your lack of connection with others? Do you numb your pain with other "things" not just drugs.
Take control of your funeral rights
Choice Magazine Australia takes an unbiased look into funeral options in Australia, including BYO coffins and eco-friendly burials.
Ash-scattering drone an Aussie first
Scattering ashes from a drone, new Australian event.
Behind the scenes: What really goes on in crematoriums?
A thorough explanation of cremation in Australia.
Floating cemeteries and space burials: Asia's futuristic take on death
Floating cemetery certainly solves the lack of land issue.
The coffin club: elderly New Zealanders building their own caskets
Our interesting friends over in New Zealand.