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facebook.comIt's always been a team effort, even when we have lunch together. Today l cooked and Theo carved, all under the watchful eye of our father Nikolaos😎 We enjoyed spring lamb marinated in Moroccan spices ( Ras el hanout), garlic, lemon, rosemary, olive oil and salt. I added Cauliflower pieces in the last hour and basted with the juices from the lamb. Served with kipfler potatoes that are always boiled before they are baked with garlic, olive oil, rosemary and salt. The salad consisted of chopped rocket, lots of pomegranate avrils, colourful medley tomatoes and cucumber chopped into small pieces. Dress with red wine vinegar, mustard, olive oil and salt 👌🏽Uncomplicated and tasty.
Everyone needs some passion in their lives. Presentation is a real art and it's just one of many things that we are hanging on to at Fresh Connection Brighton. Passionfruit - sixpence a dozen. Fruiterers in Melbourne, 20th century. Photo courtesy of Australia - Vintage Photos of Cities and Towns in Australia.
Eresos, Lesvos, Greece. Our dad's village. I photographed this 2 years ago when l took him on his last visit 😥 Loved the green tones and the blue sea peeking through the front door. 🍏🥝🥑🥒📗💚 #gallery #sappho #poetry #women #skalaeresos #history #fresh
I wanted to do a post to let you know that Australian Asparagus have arrived 👏🏻You all know what Asparagus look like, so l'm posting a photo of our pampered pooch after a day at the vet instead🌶 Just maintenance stuff👍🏼 Have a great weekend 🌈
When the menu in Greece says fish and greens, it means fish and horta. 👌🏽There is no second guessing. Horta vrasta (HOR-tah vrah-STAH), known as boiled dandelions, are a staple in any Greek household. They are easy to prepare and when dressed with a bit of olive oil and lemon, you will really enjoy the clean, pure taste. I'll have to wait for Melbourne summer to get my horta from my dad's garden 😘 #lastmeal #homebound 🇦🇺
Rock samphire, also known as Kritama, is a plant known since antiquity for its therapeutic qualities and its particular characteristic flavor. It's can be boiled or picked, and goes great with fish, skordalia or to garnish a Greek salad. 🍅 It's quite expensive to buy, but if you look closer, you can find it growing all over Ithaca, and Greece, especially near the sea. In my family, we consider it a delicacy, so it's top secret information. We love it!! If you find it growing, don't pull it out from its roots. Just cut the foliage. That way, it will be everlasting. You can also buy it in Australia at a cost of about $70/kg. #succulent #seaasparagus #seabeans
We stock Doodles Creek mayo and salad dressings because they're the best 👌🏽
Beautiful place to get back into a bit of gentle yoga before I make the long journey back to Melbourne🙏🏻
Greek Miniature Basil - tiny, tender leaves . No shaping required. Just grows into a spectacular dome shape. Gorgeous looking and tastes beautiful, but beware- you need the perfect environment for it to grow.🍃
There must be diamonds or gold down there. Truly spectacular. Exoghi ( translates to out of this world) overlooking Afales Bay, Ithaca, Greece
My adult son Phil gave me the biggest compliment last night. After a beautiful evening here with cousins and friends, he said to me "Thank you for being from Ithaca". I felt like I had accomplished what l had always wanted to do - to have my children appreciate their amazing roots, family and friendship ties. 👩👩👧👧 We all have different objectives in life, but feeling connected and loved is a universal thing we all want. Many of you will have your own unique way of showing this love to your children. 💕 For those that ask me why l stay in one place when l visit Greece, this is the reason. Roots need time and patience to develop and appreciate, and Phil's comment is living proof. 🇦🇺🇬🇷 BTW, l still cherish my Australian roots and will forever be an Australian first with long Greek roots ( and apparently a lot of Italian too) I'm so lucky to have the very best of both worlds. 🌏 We are all people of the world and have so much to share. #ourvieweveryday Beautiful Photo courtesy of @lola.demo