Bnei Akiva Sydney is a religious Zionist youth movement, dedicated to bringing the messages of Torah, Avoda and Aliya to Jewish youth in our community. Bnei Akiva Sydney strives to strengthen the Jewish identity and commitment of the young people in the Sydney Jewish Community. Through long and short term israel programs, weekly learning and meetings, and various other events, we provide a vibrant and dynamic experience, ensuring that our chanichim are both inspired and informed.
Our events include:
Weekly meetings on Shabbat
Daily Minyanim and Learning Program
Thursday night Beit Midrash (BaMBA)
Shabbat minyanim and Seuda Shlishit
Carlebach Minyanim
Winter & Summer Camps
Mishloach Manot and Purim event
Pre-Pesach car wash and BBQ
Tikun Leil Shavuot
Chagim tefillot
Lulav and Etrog Sales
Simchat Torah Hakafot
...and more!
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We would like to wish a huge Mazal Tov to our favourite shlichim Aimee, Royi and Yonatan Bercovici on the birth of a new daughter and sister! The entire community is thrilled to welcome a new shlicha to the Bnei Akiva family! If you would like to help out the Bercovici's and prepare a meal for them, please follow this link to sign up: organizes mishnayos torah learning for recently deceased
Benjy Simons (Daniel z"l's brother) has set up a mishnayot page, to be shared with anybody wishing to learn in Daniel's memory. If you're not already registered, simply follow the registration prompts and then search for Daniel Simons.
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The service for Daniel will be held tomorrow (10/01/2017) at the Chevra Kaddisha in Woolahra at 14:00. We will then continue to Rookwood cemetery on Hawthorn avenue for the burial. יהי זכרו ברוך ת.נ.צ.ב.ה
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The Bnei Akiva Sydney family would like to wish the Greenfield family a hearty behatzlacha on their long trip to Israel now. Anthony and Eliya Greenfield are proud bogrim of the movement and their children have added so much energy and enthusiasm as chanichim. The Greenfields are wonderful role models for Bnei Akiva and the community, proudly turning toward Israel even during times of crisis in the land. We would like to thank them for everything they brought to the movement and please God we will see them soon in Israel! We will miss them while they are away but look forward to when they come visit. Behatzlacha and nesia tova!
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Over Shabbat we were shocked to hear the tragic news of the passing of Daniel Simons. Daniel was a chanich at Bnei Sydney throughout school, where he created many lasting friendships and connections. Wherever he went he had a wonderful and positive influence on his surroundings and we are proud of the great work he was doing for the community in Melbourne after his move. His sudden passing comes before the fast of 10 tevet - marking the siege of Jerusalem that led to the destruction of the beit hamikdash - and contrasts strongly with the light of chanukah from last week. We must make an effort to see the light during the dark times in our lives. We will post funeral and shiva details when they become known. May his neshama have an aliyah. Baruch dayan haemet.
Bnei Akiva Australia
Bnei Akiva Australia
Bnei Akiva Australia
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Machane Zooz 2016
Day 2
Machane Zooz 2016
Day 1
Machane Zooz 2016
Day 1
Bnei Akiva Australia