Bec Watt Music Therapy
Bec Watt Music Therapy will soon be providing music therapy services in Adelaide, the hills and southern suburbs.
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facebook.comThe Bec Watt Music Therapy website is now up and running! Please check it out - let me know what you think!!
RMTs Change Lives Series - Episode 6 - Walt's Story
The last of the animated series of music therapy stories. This time it's about how music therapy can help people with dementia.
Imogen Clark discusses the effectiveness of Music Therapy in Aged Care
Imogen Clark talks about the effectiveness of music therapy with people with dementia.
Music to the ears of dementia patients suggests new learning is possible
Here's an article about how songwriting was used with a group of people with dementia, and more research that's going to happen in this area.
Jason Kenner discusses Mental Health and Music Therapy
Jason Kenner talks about how music therapy can be used with people with mental health issues, and also touches on how to become a registered music therapist.
RMTs Change Lives Series - Episode 5 - Connies Story
Episode 5 Music therapy and mental health. This is Connie's story.
Music Therapist Grace Thompson
Dr Grace Thompson from Melbourne Uni talk about 40 years of music therapy in Australia on Radio National's music show. There are also some links to other music therapy programs.
RMTs Change Lives Series - Episode 4 - Josh's Story
The 4th animated short clip about how RMTs Change Lives shows how music therapy can help adults with cancer.
Australian Music Therapy Association
To see all of the fantastic short videos about how Registered Music Therapists Change Lives, go to the AMTA youtube channel:
Australia facing shortage of Registered Music Therapists
Shortage of RMTs in Aus!!
RMTs Change Lives
Australia Wide August 27
Here's the full length Australia Wide piece looking at the impact of music for everyone, including those with mental health. This is based on work being done at Glenside Hospital in Adelaide. (to go straight to it, forward to 15:30)