1st Highton Joeys, cater for children aged 6-8, we meet on Monday Nights from 5.30-6.30pm, during school terms.
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facebook.comHi Guys 6.00 pm to 7.30ish Barwon Valley Park Barrabool road. BBQ final night for the year Joey's. BYO everything except sausages, hamburgers and bread. All the family invited. Please get back to me asap as I need numbers for food..
Tonight we are investing Mich into Joey's. Well done. We are having a games night also. Great weather to be outside, looking forward to seeing you tonight. Regards Kookaburra.
Hi Joeys and Parents, A change for next week, we are having our cooking night making ginger bread at 21 Hutcheson Ave, Highton. So the week after this we will be back at the hall, with an investiture. Plain clothes will be fine because we will be cooking. Yours in Scouting Kookaburra
Hi All Have had to cancel Joey's. Sorry so sick with hayfever. please bring on the rain and stop the wind. Regards Kookaburra P.S please can Edwards Mum tell Mitch's Mum.
Hi all Was looking for somebody who could come to Joey's next week who could help us make music. We need somebody who could play a guitar with some Scout songs, for us to learn and join in. If you can help get back to me. Yours in Scouting Kookaburra.
Timeline Photos
Great photo of Violet's Mum. Well done.
Photos from 1st Highton Joey Scouts's post
Hope all had fun at build a bear, I had a lovely time thank you. Yours Kookaburra
Hi Joey's and Parents, we are back in action Monday. So 5.45 til 6.45 Joey's and the environment. We are not going on our Possum prowl, we will be discussing when we are going on Monday. So Monday the 7th of November is at the Hall. See you then. Regards Kookaburra.
Hi All Thank you Joey's for helping me celebrate my 62nd birthday Saturday, you all made it so much fun. Happy Birthday again to Edward who had his on the same day. No Joey's tonight. If you are going Trick or treating be safe. Thank you again for the lovely cards and presents, I did feel very special. Yours in Scouting Kookaburra I have some photo's of the workshop does anybody mind if I put them up here, on our page? If you do get back to me.
I am so sorry Joey's will have to be called off tomorrow the 24th of October. I am not healing as quick as I thought I would, sorry to let you down . See you on the 29th of October. Kookaburra
Hi Guys, Joeys still on tomorrow night, so have heaps of fun. Joeys not on on the 17th of October. Yours in scouting Kookaburra
Photos from 1st Highton Joey Scouts's post
Thank you so much to Edward, Matt, Penny and Warren for bringing the cutest Foxy puppies to Joey's last night. I was so excited, such beautiful little ones. All the Joey's were great and very good with these little babies. Please parents check your emails for the new term program which I sent out yesterday. And a big hello to our new volunteer Felicity, hope you had fun. Yours in scouting Kookaburra.