Firearm Solutions
.W.A. Firearm Licence applications prepared. Want a firearm? Don't know how to go about it? Let me do the hard work for you.
I can prepare your WA firearm licence application for you. Take away the pain and grief of doing it yourself. Includes the writing of supporting statements to ensure your success. Guaranteed. A short interview and then your paperwork delivered to your door. Days, evenings and weekends all ok.
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facebook.comSome interesting jobs have been coming my way with a few annoyances along the way to reinforce the reason I do what I do. I did a trio of applications for a mate and his son last week. I don't charge mates for doing this, so, if you want to apply to be my mate, knock yourself out! He rings me up when he gets to the post office. Why? They've refused to accept his application because he didn't give them page 2 of the application document. Page 2 is merely the page that tells you what to bring down to the post office to establish the 100 points of ID. Really? So, he bundles off home to get it and tries again today. This time they wouldn't accept it. Why not? Because he didn't have his property letter attached. Fair enough you might say. But for two handguns? Really? He had all of his paperwork in order, including his support letters from the association. The fact that they have these clueless knobs dealing with real people is an insult to everybody who has to put an application in. I've got news for them. I've suggested strongly that he puts in a complaint to the Police Minister for action. It's time that these public servants realise one thing. THAT THE PUBLIC ARE NOT THEIR SERVANTS!!!!!!! Learn your job or get out.
With a few negative comments coming my way, I thought I would explain what I do and what you get for your money. First, I explain what is needed to get to the point of actually meeting and collecting the information required to prepare and submit your application. If you are a first timer, you need to attend your local gunshop and sit for the Firearm Awareness Certificate. This is a once only requirement, unless you do not apply for your firearm licence within 12 months. In which case, you will need to re-do it. Secondly, you will need a letter of permission to shoot on a property in the format of the one on the police licensing website. Thirdly, you will need the Serviceability Certificate for the firearm or firearms you wish to purchase. I have picked up errors on Serviceability Certificates that may have caused complications in the process. When you have these pieces of documentation, we arrange a meeting at a time and place of your choosing. I collect the information required to prepare your application and closely check your supplied information to make sure it is correct. I take the info away and prepare your application and then submit it. I return your paperwork to you. All you have to do then is take it to the post office, sign the sheet in front of the post office employee and then sit back and wait. Contrary to one opinion, if the police refuse a licence or an application, your fee is NOT refunded and you have to pay again to reapply. As for it being "a five minute job" to apply, if you believe that then you've never done one. That is the bones of what I do. However, if there are any queries about the application from the police, I also deal with these. I do SOME basic applications, generally for people who are unfamiliar with the process or people who lack the time or just can't be bothered with the process. However, I mainly deal with troublesome applications where people lack the word skills and knowledge of the Firearms Act required for a successful application. They might know why they want another firearm but can't quite get the statement to reflect this, as well as fulfilling the requirements of the act. For example, you want or need firearms in the same or similar calibre to what you already have. No problem. The police tell you that you can only have one of each calibre. Not quite true. The police definition of "similar calibres" can be very broad. Like, since when has a .243 been similar to a .30/06? At least one person has been told this. I also discuss the client's wants and needs and advise their best option for getting something that they need, rather than something flashy that the gunshop wants to sell you. After 35 years on and off in the gun trade, I think I have a fair idea of how it all works. So, that's what I do. I don't have a website. I just provide a service for people who like firearms. Don't let people tell you it can't be done. Ask. Asking costs nothing.
Right folks, I'm so keen on getting interested people into responsible firearms ownership, that I'm going to have a month long special! If two or more of you want a firearm licence and we can get together in the same place at the same time to do the interview, I'll do the licence application for $100 each.
Coming to the SSAA Perth SHOT Show this weekend? I'll be available to chat about licensing on the Arctic Fox Optics stand. Come and say G'day! I'll also be giving advice on women, motorcycles, religion and politics. What could possibly go wrong?
Come on ladies and gents! The zombie apocalypse is almost upon us. Time to get a firearm or two! Or, sharpen those stakes and drag the machete out of the cupboard. A lot more effort than just pulling the trigger though. And, you end up with blood and guts all over you. Guns, an elegant solution! Give me a call. 0438 172245.
Firearm Solutions's cover photo
Firearm Solutions
Hi folks! If you've ever wanted a firearm, then now is the time to get one. There are umpteen different makes and models available to suit any need. Whether you want something to get the makings for a rabbit stew, to shoot a bit of competition or just to bounce some tin cans around a paddock, anything is possible. If you're not sure how to go about getting a licence, give me a call. I make a complex process quite simple should you wish to use my over forty years of shooting experience, including working for thirty three years on and off in the firearms trade. I prepare licence applications to a high standard and submit them on your behalf from as little as $150 for my services. More complex and multiple firearms are more expensive. If you have any questions about what you require to start in this fascinating pastime, simply give me a call or send me an e-mail and I can explain the process and perhaps steer you in the direction that's best for you. Basically, I tell you what you need to organise in the way of paperwork, we have a short 15 to 20 minute interview to gain information for your application. Then, within a day, I return with your completed application, together with your other paperwork, checked for correctness by me, which you then take down to the Post Office, pay your application fee, then sit back and wait for your licence. Yes, it's that simple! I take all the hard work out of it. 0438 172245 or I'm happy to chat about your particular needs and circumstances. Firearms licences and Collectors licence applications dealt with. It costs nothing to find out. I'll be at the SSAA Shot Show at Claremont Showgrounds next month on the Arctic Fox Optics stand. Come and talk to me about your licensing needs or your scope and laser needs. Get ready for the coming World financial collapse, foreign invasion, or simply, the Zombie Apocalypse, Be prepared! Call now!
I can't believe that I'm not being flooded with requests for licence applications!! Aren't you people in the least concerned about he coming zombie apocalypse???
Well guys and girls, it's the new year, a traditional slow time in the retail firearms trade. With this year promising to be an exciting one for the human race, are you prepared? Take your pick, the start of World War 3, the total collapse of the world economy, the American military defence complex pushing for even more wars, and, most important of all, the coming of the zombie apocalypse. Do you have enough guns, scopes, ammunition, cleaning gear and all those other little nicnacs that you require to keep your zombie killer in top shape? Do you even have a gun? If not, shame on you! Remember the first rule of a gunfight? Bring a gun. Even a .22 will do the job on a zombie, you just have to place it in the right spot. A .22 is always a good place to start. Cheap to run, good for practice that won't break the piggybank. Teach your wife and kids to shoot. You never know when a zombie is going to kick your door in looking for a child size snack. Maybe a .223, the most versatile, available and useful small calibre rifle there is after the .22. Maybe a shotgun for when the hordes are coming through your front door. Want to protect your family and provide food for them in the coming harsh times? Want a firearm but don't know how to go about it? Give me a call and I can answer your questions and do all the hard work for you. Licence applications prepared to a high standard. 100% success rate so far. From $150.