Pain Industrie Physiotherapy
Specialised in treatment of musculoskeletal pains, associated weakness, and you... have got to find a stronger version of yourself.
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Limited stock. First in best dress I guess. :)
Genuine leather shoes from Portugal, hand made for the comfort of women's feet. Built-in arch support and cushion. This is an ultimate compromise between quality, style and health. Retail price is $180.00. My price $75.00 for these discontinued stocks. Limited stocks of similar colors, so come and grab it fast. Available sizes from 36-39, Pain Industrie.
Neck pain is a nightmare as you may already knew. In the last 3 years, I have been able to immediately pin point the cause of almost all the common injuries. Optimum efficiency is achieved when you can incorporate effective exercises to realign posture and facilitate tissue healing. Yes, I perfected the formula for neck pain.
Ligament injuries take longer to heal than muscles due to the lack of blood supply; and because it is deeper, it is a little harder to treat. Ligaments go over the joint, so any movement will produce pain when it is inflamed. Physiotherapy addresses swelling, bruising and pain. We also show clients how to effectively minimise pain and suffering in their daily activities. Our realistic goal is to achieve full joint range and strength, so clients can resume normal activity level in 2-4 weeks. We don't recommend surgery unless it is a complete rupture and the patient does not respond to our treatment. But this has never been the case for me. Try a a few sessions of physio before you decide to cut. @ Pain Industrie - With Confidence.
Orthopedic sandals made to mould the sole of your feet. Even out the pressure, prevent ankle rolling in and minimise pressure on the big toe. The answer to all your feet problems. We are running a Promotion for these genuine letter sandals to be given away at whole sale price. Come and take advantage of this promotion while stocks last. ;)