Grampians Advocacy works with, and for, people with a disability western Victoria. Our motto is Our Voice, Our Choice.
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What a life changing and marvellous invention. Perfect timing for the rollout of the NDIS.
NDIS National Disability Insurance Scheme
Some practical examples of how it can work for you.
NDIS National Disability Insurance Scheme
Worth watching this to get yourself started.
Do you or a family member or friend have a disability? Do you think you might be eligible for support from the NDIS? Do you live in Ararat? If the answer is yes get yourself along to the LAC headquarters at 62 High St Ararat from January 3 to find out more!
NDIS National Disability Insurance Scheme
Great to see
The Sydney Morning Herald
Congratulations to our client Gordon Prior, Michael Nojin and the legal team at AED Legal for taking this fight all the way to the High Court to make things right for workers with a disability. What an achievement.
Disability Advocacy Resource Unit
Something worth celebrating.
People with Disability Australia Inc. (PWD)
Human rights award winner Jane Rosengrave. A good friend and member of GdA and former Grampians resident. A powerful voice for women and people with a disability. Congratulations from all at Grampians Advocacy.
Lateline - 30/11/2016: The hidden story of sexual abuse
Good on you Jane for having the courage to tell your story despite the pain it brings.
Every Australian Counts
Looking forward to the rollout in Central Highlands from January 1 2017. Bacchus Marsh Ballarat Daylesford Ararat. To find out more contact GdA via Facebook.
International Day of People with Disability - Australia
Have a great day everyone!
ABC Melbourne
The definition of what is "reasonable" and "necessary" will see many cases such as these end up in court. Let's hope the Federal Court makes a decision that will support Liam to reach his potential, which is the stated aim of the NDIS.