This page is to share information about events and activities at Somers Parade Kindergarten.
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facebook.comWe will be having our second working bee this year on Sunday 28th of August from 8.30am until about lunchtime. The working bee is a great way to meet other families and strengthen the kindergarten community while assisting with general maintenance. Liz will leave a participation form for the working bee with the jobs required at the desk next to the ‘sign-in’ register. She will also let families know what tools will be required on the day. We will send out another reminder closer to the date. If you could spare just one hour of your time, it would be great to have your help to ensure our kindergarten is kept nice and tidy for our kids. Thanks for your support.
What's happening this week? Monday 1st August - Bush Kinder from 9.30am - 10.30 am. I have checked the weather forecast and it is not looking good. We would still like to go out if possible and we will make a decision in the morning depending on the day. Can you please make sure that your child has a raincoat and gumboots for tomorrow. As we have said before we do have gumboots at kinder the children can use if they don't have any of their own. This week we will be asking parents what school their child will be attending next year as on Wednesday 3rd August, Tammy Thompson from Altona Primary School will be attending the kindergarten. We will be asking parents to sign a form, giving permission for the kindergarten teachers to speak to her about your child for next year. I know that parents of children attending Altona Primary School next year will have already given permission to the primary school, but we also like to have permission from the kindergarten. Tuesday 2nd August I will be absent from kinder and Jackie Farrugia will be working for me. Upcoming excursion to Essendon Traffic School on Wednesday 24th August from 9.15am - till 12.30pm. All relevant information for this excursion will be placed in parent folders on Wednesday 3rd August. We will need parent support for this excursion.
The dates for bush kinder during August will be Monday 1st August, Tuesday 9th August, Wednesday 17th August, Thursday 25th August, and Monday 29th August. Can all children please bring a rain coat and gumboots if they have them. We do have gumboots for children that don't have gumboots. We will rotate our bush kinder days so that everyone gets to go every fortnight.
UPCOMING EVENTS Bush Kinder will commence on Monday 6th June, then Thursday 16th June & Tuesday 21st June. After the school holidays we will go for longer and take our morning tea with us. We will be going to the end of Somers Parade (towards golf course) for one hour from 9.30am - 10.30am. We will return at 10.30am for snack. For this outing we will need the support of two parents to meet our required ratio. If you are able to help on any of the above days then please let us know. Monday 13th June - Public Holiday - Queens birthday - No Kindergarten Wednesday 15th June from 9.30am we will have a dentist visit the kindergarten. Please see the permission forms in the Parent Folders. If it is not your child's day to attend then they are most welcome to come in at 9.30am to see the dentist. END OF TERM 2 On Wednesday 22nd and Thursday 23rd of June, we will be having a Pyjama and movie day. The movie we will be showing will be Finding Nemo. We will provide the snack for the movie. Kind regards Somers Parade Staff
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Dear Parents and Fellow Carers Somers Parade Kindergarten is hosting a movie event FINDING DORY 18th June 2016 2pm Show This will be a great event for the whole family as a chance meet other parents from the kinder but it is open to any and all friends as well. Please check your folders for more information. Tickets can be purchased by completing the Return Slip. Please do so by WEDNESDAY 8th JUNE the Latest. Thank you for your ongoing support.
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This Saturday 21st of May, we are running our Annual Bunnings BBQ at Bunnings Altona in Millers road as a fundraiser for our kinder. This is one of the biggest fundraisers that we do all year so please come down and support us by buying a sausage and saying Hi!
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Dear Parents and friends. On Saturday the 28th of May from 10am until 12pm we are hosting a Jamberry morning tea as a fundraiser for the Kinder. This is open to everyone, not just kinder Mums. Jamberry is a vinyl nail wrap that comes in over a hundred designs and is easy to apply and long lasting. Please see the photo for further details.
Saturday 21st May is our Annual Bunnings BBQ and we need your help! We really need all families to lend a hand please by giving up some of their time to cook, serve or collect money at the stall. This is a great fundraiser and the largest on the Kinder calender. We understand that not everybody will be available on the day but if you could spare 1-2 hours that would be hugely appreciated. There is a sheet available at the Kinder with the required time slots, you can either write your name and number on this sheet or simply complete and return the short letter sent home. If you are unable to help on the day, we welcome donations of soft drinks and bottled water to sell on the day. Any ‘branded’ soft drinks are ok (please no supermarket brands). You can bring them into kinder and leave them in the kitchen labelled “BUNNINGS BBQ”. Thank you in advance!