New Brand NiPPLEAiD – Watch this page for New and innovative products developed specifically for the breastfeeding and baby products industry.
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NiPPLEAiD launches new anti-nipple flattening nursing pads. Specially designed to protect nipple protractility during breastfeeding. #nippleaid #washablenursingpads #anti-flattening #protectnipples #babylatchon #sorenipples #crackednipples
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What are the most common reasons for Baby Latch On issues during breastfeeding? Answer: Inverted, flat nipples and blocked milk ducts. There are also links between difficulty breastfeeding and post-natal depression in new mums Most women don’t think they will have any issues breastfeeding when that time comes. Being compressed inside a bra “day in and day out” they become flat over time. The solution is very simple: NiPPLEAiD helps to solve the above issues.!/Breastfeeding-Aid/c/16115047/offset=0&sort=normal #nippleaid #breastfeeding #invertednipples #flatnipples #babylatchon #sorenipples #crackednipples #mastitis #post-nataldepression
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Use of this device for 1 or 2 hours after child birth can improve baby latch on therefore reducing nipple pain and irritation which can lead to sore and cracked nipples. #nippleaid #breastfeeding #mastitis #invertednipples #flatnipples #sorenipples #crackednipples!/Breastfeeding-Aid/c/16115047/offset=0&sort=normal
NippleAid Review - Breastfeeding Aid
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New revolutionary product set to change the way mother’s express coming soon.
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Why do so many women have trouble latching their babies on for the first time? See how this Product is helping women have a stress free breastfeeding Experience. #nippleaid #breastfeeding #mastitis #invertednipples #flatnipples #sorenipples #crackednipples
NiPPLEAiD the Breastfeeding AID is now being investigated as a preventative cure for problems related to breastfeeding such as Nipple pain, Cracked Nipples, Blocked milk ducts, Poor Baby Latch On and Mastitis. There is also a correlation between breastfeeding pain and maternal distress and depression as a result from the above breastfeeding issues..
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NiPPLEAiD 3D Printed Product