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Johnny's Rockers

521 Smollet St, Albury, Australia
Dance School



Learn to Rock and Roll in a fun, friendly and professional environment. Whatever your skill level, come along and learn from some of the nation's best. Johnny's Rockers were founded in 1994 by Johnny Phung.

During the development of the musical genre of rock and roll, dances to go with the music were created. First came Swing which began around 1920 and then came Lindy Hop which was modified around 1940 to suit the faster music, creating the style known as Boogie Woogie.

A 1959 dance book describes Rock and Roll as being performed without undue tension, the body and legs being flexible, so that there may be a physical rhythmic expression of co-ordination with the beats of music.

What we offer is fun, friendly and professional environment to learn to Rock and Roll dance. Whatever your skill level, come along and be prepared to experience something new with quality professional dancers catering for 'never danced before' to 'competition ready' dancers.

Dancing will improve your fitness and general well-being, while fostering friendships. At various social events you'll be able to put into practice what you learn weekly.

Location: Saint Patricks Hall, 521 Smollett Street
When: Tuesday evenings, 6:45 pm for beginners and 7:15 pm for advanced
Fees: $8:00 per person
Instructors: Johnny & Sue Phung assisted by good friends,  John & Merilyn Sarroff.



CSI 2016 Teachers Performance - Todd & Ramona

Swing Goes Pop - 2019 NSW Rock & Swing Championships

Swing goes pop... Most daggy dancer goes to Johnny Phung. First place 🏅

Back from the WSDC Dance titles, can’t wait to dance out the kinks from the drive. See you all tonight....

Our newest member of Johnnys Rockers... Lotti Hasnip! (Our granddaughter)

Our newest member of Johnnys Rockers... Lotti Hasnip! 
(Our granddaughter)

Photos from Johnny's Rockers's post

We wanted to take this opportunity to thank everyone who made our annual charity dance a huge success! To all our demo dancers, your dedication to Rock’N’Roll and continuing to share your love of dance could not make us any prouder. Thanks again to Matt and the band from Smokin’ Wingtips 👍 Lastly, thank you to all our helpers that assisted with set up, pack away and complete tasks throughout the night, we are very blessed to have you within our team! Go team... Johnny’s Rockers

Photos from Johnny's Rockers's post

Bop Jonny's Rock n Swing Gear

Bop Jonny's Rock n Swing Gear

Bop Jonny's Rock n Swing Gear

One week to our annual charity dance and we are happy to say Bop Jonny Rock n Swing wear will also have a stall at our dance 👍

Hope you got your ticket for the annual Johnny's Rockers Dance! The numbers have been crunched and the event has been sold out! We can't wait to see you all at the dance and look forward to a wonderful night :)

Cobram River Rockers

Cobram River Rockers

Our yearly charity dance is coming around quickly, call Johnny to secure your ticket. Limited tickets available ..

Our yearly charity dance is coming around quickly, call Johnny to secure your ticket. Limited tickets available ..

Cobram River Rockers

Cobram River Rockers

2019 Rock'n'Roll Dance Championships Same Sex Novelty Event


NEAR Johnny's Rockers

IGA X-Press

Albury, Australia
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