Eighty20 Personal Fitness
We Specialise in Weight Loss, Back, Knee and Joint pain. When people have pain they generally go to a Physio, Osteopath, Chiropractor etc; This provides a short term relief from the pain.
Your structure (or skeleton) is a bag of bones held together by Muscles; over time these Muscles become unbalanced and pull the skeleton (the spine in particular) out of balance and the nerves that run through the vertebrae start to become crushed causing pain.
We re-balance the muscles and retrain the neural pathways to the brain so that your body becomes aware of incorrect movement patterns and learns how to correct these patterns, which in turn provides a long term rather than costly short term solution.
If you want long term relief from pain, please give us a call. We offer a no charge consultation to discuss your situation, and demonstrate how we can help you improve the quality of your life.
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