All enquiries to please go through:
People say it's all about quality over quantity... But why not offer both?!
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Some of the beautiful kiddies from recent childcare photography <3 Thank you to the parents who said yes to a Facebook preview, I couldn't even fit all the children on there was such a great response! Packs will be back soon enough for you to see them all anyway :) If you see your child in this photo, I would love for you tag yourself so your friends and family can see. Thank you to all the staff for your amazing help too! Childcare photography is challenging (to say the least - the hardest thing I've shot in my career by far!), so to have supportive staff is such a relief. Staff at this centre are brilliant! They know that children are in the right outfits, coming in the right time, they ensure that parents following all the photography "rules", not to mention having no other children running behind while photographs are being taken (this makes it near impossible when this happens) and are always helpful making the children laugh. The biggest thing I want to say thank you for is having a staff member assigned to help with photography for the day! Children are much more comfortable and cooperative for their favourite staff members, so this really does make such an incredible difference. I'm not allowed to have favorites as I love all my clients, but I really do look forward to working with your centre each year! Thank you everyone! X
⚽ Modbury Vista Soccer photos going out this week - love to hear what you think! My first ever soccer photos! ⚽📷👍
Just finished shooting 7.5 hours in this rainy weather! Thanks so much to Stepping Stone Evanston for being so organised as always and making today even possible! Can't wait to get these soaking wet pants off and home to the heater 💧💧💧📷
It seems one day in the office wasn't enough to catch up! I'm shooting a childcare 7am - 2pm tomorrow and Weds so won't be online again until Thursday to action everything. However, I'm in the process of changing my packages around to possibly offer a "digital only" option for family sessions, which I know will excite a lot of you as I currently only offer digital/print combos. So thank you for your patience, I'll be in touch with all the family enquires ASAP, as soon as the new packages for the 2016/17 are finalised :D
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Hi all! I'm online for the next 4 hours playing catch up in the office. So if you're waiting to hear from me, it will be in the next few hours :) Please feel free to give me a nudge and email again at Belinda, your photos have been delivered! :D
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Think I may have just trimmed my very last one of these and filed into the 50 separate folders!!!!!! My goodness that feels good! Mod bury Vista Soccer Club, you have a very big delivery of about 700+ laminated photos on its way!!! WOOP WOOP!!! :D
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How alike do these two look! Beautiful Mum & daughter. I knew Belinda from about 15 years ago now, I love that I end up shooting majority of people I've met throughout the years <3 Your gallery is up girls, enjoy! X
NO DEPOSIT. NO SHOOT. SIMPLE AS THAT. My good nature has come back to bite me a bit lately. The only cancellations I EVER get, are those who haven't paid a deposit. I've never had a no show or last minute cancelation if someone has paid a deposit. Up at 6am for a session that I no longer need to get to, just glad I didn't get to the carpark & drop Jett to his 7am sitter too! If you're self employed and have a cancelation, clearly; you don't get paid. Also, that's a session that could have been offered to one of the hundreds of other enquiries you have turned away saying that you are booked out. Another time this month, I set up my studio gear for someone who missed out on their photos, thinking that they had paid. I then realised they hadn't, they changed their mind about wanting photos and didn't pay, yet the setting up of the studio lights, packing up, editing and getting a babysitter had already been done. (And missing part of my nephews party for nothing) It is so disappointing when I'm let down as I do have so many amazing clients, but the occasional few that let me down really upset me. Especially those who don't pay for images or prints etc. I guess it is time to get my hard pants on and have a definite no pre payment, no work. It is too hard organising sitters as a single Mum only to be let down. Any time messed around, is time taken away from spending time with my lil boy so I now have a one strike policy and that's it. I'll end on a positive by saying THANKYOU to all of you who do the right thing, it really is appreciated and keeps me being able to do the work I do 📷😊
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I want to say a big thank you to this amazing lady for believing in me and offering me the opportunity to photograph Modbury Vista Soccer Club last month! Lisa knew it was something I hadn't photographed before, but put herself on the line by putting it to the committee to see if they would give me a go to photograph their club this year. So not only did I have to prove myself I could do it (& hopefully have 600 families happy with my work!), but I also had to put my everything into it to make sure I didn't let Lisa down! This experience has been a HUGE learning curve and now that it is over, I can admit that I had two weeks in the lead up to it with NO sleep! So many unknowns going through my head! Organising order forms from scratch, new payment systems, processing credit payments, designing templates, buying new equipment, shooting with studio lighting which I haven't for years, working with 600+ families, learning how to shoot teams/individuals smoothly and remember names/places for the print out, learning how to laminate, trim and prepare the photos etc. What. An. Experience. It's not often I get nervous, but I was anxious to the point of feeling sick in the lead up! Now I look back and wonder what I was so worried about. My initial thought to the offer was to say no... But being May, my quietest month of the year, I thought it was the perfect chance to step out of my comfort zone. So THANK YOU Lisa, for having trust in me to photograph what I think is perhaps the largest sporting club in the North as my first ever sporting club! It's a reminder that we really do need to challenge ourself and step outside our comfort zones once in a while to see what we are capable of. So as a thank you, here are a few quick snaps of Lisa's beautiful boys we photographed throughout the week. Lisa it was such a great week working with you every day, the amount you take on is simply amazing and you do it all with a smile always being there for everyone else. A huge thank you to all the friendly faces at Modbury Vista Soccer Club too! I didn't expect to actually have fun while I was shooting, but the committee members and the players had my Mum and I laughing through a good part of the photography. I hope you love the photos that I'm finishing up as we speak and happy to have me back next year :) Another thanks to Mum and Dad for making it all possible! Back to shooting families from this Saturday and childcares from next week! Still only working part time though so this page won't be as busy as it used to be and I will only be responding to emails through school hours or occasionally after 8pm. Hope all my followers can still see this post seeing as my page has been quiet for so long! X
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Ooohhhh! Just collected what is the biggest print run of my career! Can't wait to go through and laminate these bad boys #alwaysgrowing #neverstoplearning #challengeyourself #stepoutofyourcomfortzone #soccerphotos #teamphotos #satisfaction #lovemyjob #printcollectionsmakemehappy #prints #photos #adelaideportraitphotographer #adelaidechildcarephotographer #adelaidephotographer New gloves too seeing as I don't usually have gloss photos! #excited
6 year old Jett dances to Turn Down For What
So last night, the first time in at least 12 months, Jett danced for me! He usually likes to dance with no one watching, but he asked me to watch and film him dancing to his favourite song. He has had 800 views on my personal Facebook page with it, so I thought I would upload to youtube for all to see. I really would love him to start hip hop classes, but he lacks confidence and was too shy when we tried one class a couple of years ago. He was stoked when he heard he had 70 likes on his video and 800 people had seen it, so I'm hoping if I can get a heap more views/likes/comments, it might encourage him even more to give it a go! He just loves dance so much, I could watch him for hours <3 <3 <3 Please check it out and share away at the link below! X
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Some how, near every time I go to a shop, I manage to fluke the park at the end, closest to the door and where everyone drives or walks past & sees my car! Means I don't have any privacy LOL, but my car is certainly doing its job with advertising! Have people email and say I just saw your car and remembered I've been meaning to book with you, a reminder to pay my deposit etc.... go car, GO! 🚗👍💘 Have you seen me on the Roads? #advertising #cardoingitsjob #bestinvestment #whosseenme #jadekearnsphotography #adelaideportraitphotographer #adelaidechildcarephotographer #adelaidephotographer