Ripalpha is a scotland based HCO (Human Customisation Options) clothing brand that sponsor young talented rural extreme sports enthusiasts! We have just turned one this year and are looking to add more gear to our range :) lets have a good second year :) If you appreaciate any off main extreme sports discaplines and the style that comes with them then were ther brand for you.hopefully this summer we will be launcing our first mini Ripalpha range aswell as all the exsisting promo gear.
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facebook.comOur new Ripalpha/Kelso skatepark colab range is out with the new skatepark logo!! Grab them now as they are limited!
Ali Hay-The Bearded Ninja wearing and winning in our Ripalpha/bearded ninja colab!
Some info on the Up and Coming range!!
Oh yea!!
Good luck to Ali! Hopefully he gets the shout for season 4!
So stoked for kelso and the Scottish borders!
How To Get Up The Warped Wall - Ninja Warrior - Ninja warrior UK
Ali Hay-The Bearded Ninja showing us how to get up that wall!!
Kelso Skatepark News April 2017
Great news for our local skatepark project! Have a look and share guys!! 👌
Ali Hay - Ninja Warrior UK - Finals stage 1&2-Season 3
Director Ali Hay making his Ninja Warrior Final run- All in the Ninja/Ripalpha collab vest...