The club is primarily a hill-walking club with a membership of over 150, mostly from Limerick but also from the neighbouring counties. Interested in Hill-Walking and the Craic?
Why not check out the Limerick Climbing Club.
The club is primarily a hill-walking club and is affiliated with Mountaineering Ireland (MI).
The club's membership has steadily increased over the last number of years and currently has over 150 members. The club always welcomes new faces, to join refer to the membership page on our club site -
The club is a voluntary effort and members are encouraged to participate in the running of the club, attending mountain skills and leadership courses as well as participating in club events and the regular scheduled walks.
We are in Fennesssy's on New Street every Thursday night from 10pm - come along and say hi!
Tell your friends
Opening Hours
- Thursday
- 22:00 - 00:00
facebook.comMembers of Limerick Climbing Club presenting a donation to Kerry Mountain Rescue Team last Sunday in Cronins Yard. After the presentation the LCC group (including 5 Corran Tuathail first timers!) headed up Corran Tuathail. Well done all.
Photos from Limerick Climbing Club's post
Dave Weldrick RIP It was with great sadness that we learned of the passing of our club member and friend Dave Weldrick at the weekend. We would like to express our condolences to Dave's family and friends and this sad time. As a mark of respect to Dave, the walk to the Silvermines previously scheduled for this Wednesday evening (21st August) has been cancelled. Dave pictured enjoying the recent club trip to Nerja, Spain in June. He will definitely be missed.
Limerick Climbing Club's cover photo
Photos from Limerick Climbing Club's post
Topic of the Week RESPECT Challenge yourself, and others, to do one or two things differently when you walk and climb. Here are some suggestions for how you could make a positive difference in Ireland's mountains and upland areas: 1 Carpool whenever you can - it reduces emissions and saves on parking space, 2 Support the areas where you walk and climb by using shops, cafés, pubs and other services 3 Do a 5-minute litter-pick around the area where you're parked before you head off for your activity 4 If you come across a farmer on the hills, stop and have a chat 5 Reduce the spread of erosion by keeping to the centre of the paths 6 Get the Biodiversity Data Capture app and make one biodiversity report from each day out 7 Spend a day volunteering with Mountain Meitheal 8 Report dumping by phoning 1850 365 121 or use the See It, Say It app1
Ben Nevis walkers told not to drop banana skins
Mountaineering Ireland
Topic of the Week LEAVE WHAT YOU FIND Allow others a sense of discovery by leaving rocks, plants, archaeological artefacts and other objects of interest as you find them. Picking a few flowers does not seem like it would have any great impact and, if only a few flowers were picked, it wouldn't. But, if every visitor thought "I'll just take a few", a much more significant impact might result. Take a picture or sketch the flower instead of picking it. Natural objects of beauty or interest such as antlers, petrified wood, or coloured rocks add to the mood of the backcountry and should be left so others can experience a sense of discovery.
Mountaineering Ireland
Photos from Limerick Climbing Club's post
Topic of the Week Parking and access 1 Keep the number of cars used to the minimum 2 Park safely, with particular regard to allowing for entry to property. Many access problems have arisen from inconsiderate parking by recreational visitors. Remember that farmers work at weekends and that farm machinery, and the emergency services, may need a wide space to turn into a gateway. 3 All land is owned by somebody and you use that land with the goodwill of the owner, not as a legal right. 4 Avoid aggravating known problems, use approved routes in these areas. 5 Be friendly and courteous when you meet landowners and local resident 6 Respect private property and do not interfere with machinery, crops or animals. 7 Make no unnecessary noise, especially when passing near houses. 8 Be careful not to damage fences, walls or hedges; these are livestock boundaries and expensive to repair. 9 Use stiles and gates where they exist, leave gates as you find them (open or closed)
Limerick Climbing Club's cover photo
Photos from Limerick Climbing Club's post
Well done to all Limerick Climbing Club Members at the Tom Crean Challenge today.
Photos from Limerick Climbing Club's post
Leave No Trace Topic of the Week: Dispose of waste properly "If You Bring It In, Take It Out" - take home all litter (yours and others too) and left-over food (including tea bags, fruit peels, Banana skins, apple cores, crusts of Bread and other biodegradable foods). How long your litter takes to biodegrade? Paper bag - 1 month Apple core - 8 weeks Orange peel and banana skins - 2 years Cigarette end - 18 months to 500 years Plastic bag - 10 to 20 year A plastic bottle - 450 years Chewing gum - 1 million years