UK Black/Doom Metal UK Black/Doom Metal.
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facebook.comFinally we can reveal the track and lyric video for Diary of a Street Walker taken from our debut album 11.
First review is in for our album 11. Thanks to Autoeroticasphyxium zine and Dave Wolff for the positive words!
So here you have it. We are proud to finally make public the album cover for our debut album 11. In an age of digital and photoshop ridden “artwork” we present to you good old fashioned pencil and paint on canvas by the fantastic Enchanted Woodland who we are very grateful to for this piece. Also keeping with the visual side of out endeavours, we will have something else coming soon to reveal. 11.
Soon we will have TWO new things to reveal that is special to us and stepping stones to the release of our album 11.
New interview with Autoeroticasphyxium Zine discussing some topics, yet not giving too much away.
2017 was a very productive year for us. We wrote and recorded our first album, we unfortunately lost a bassist but then gained a new very talented one before the year was out. 2018 will bring the release of our album entitled 11 and also the birth of Suffering in a live environment. If our plans are anything to go by 2018 will be just as much a productive year, if not more so! - Suffering. 11.
On this shitmas day, a drink for the horned one! Cloven Hoof Rum
After a successful day, we would like to introduce our new bassist, Monslyht.
2017 is soon to end. 2018 marks the spewing forth of Suffering. 11.
We unfortunately have to report that as of last night our bassist has left the band due to ill health issues. We are saddened to lose him and we are very grateful for him time and contribution to the band. We wish him the best for the future and speedy recovery. We now are looking for a new replacement ASAP. Album being released in the new year and Suffering taking to the stage in the near future. If anybody is interested or knows of somebody that is then please contact us here!