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Congratulations to this week's Captain's Cup winners! Div. 809 won in the non-integrated (all-male) divisions while Div. 135 won in the integrated (male-female) divisions. Captain's Cup is a friendly athletic event held on the weekend prior to their graduation. The recruits get a free morning to enjoy some fun competition between the divisions in the training group. Events include basketball, volleyball, relay races and more. There is one winning division for the integrated divisions and one for the non-integrated divisions, and each winning division receives a traveling trophy to display in their ships.
Congratulations to the newest and sharpest Sailors in the U.S. Navy who graduated from boot camp at Recruit Training Command. About 30,000 to 40,000 recruits graduate annually from the Navy's only boot camp. (U.S. Navy photos by Alan Nunn/Released)
That concludes our live coverage of MCPON Giodarno's site visit to Great Lakes, thank you so much everyone who dropped into the streams!
MCPON tours the USS Chief Damage Control and Fire Fighting trainer at Recruit Training Command Great Lakes
MCPON Steven S. Giordano receives a tour of the simulated and live-fire training facilities at Recruit Training Command Great Lakes.
Congrats to our latest "C" School graduates
MCPON observes damage control and firefighting training at USS Triton.