Naturopathy Consultation/Eagle Wings Healing Touch
When we have blockages in our energy field it is because of past trauma, anger, hatred. Let me help you let go of the past and live again. Are you tired of being unhappy, depressed, no energy, sleeping all the time or not sleeping at all? Well I can help. I worked with my hands to evaluate your body for blockages that are cause by past trauma, fear, anger, hatred. Once found, I use different healing techniques to removed the blockages and help your energy flow again. Come and try it, you will be very surprise how well you will feel.
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facebook.comHello, on April 29 Jeanette Gormley, Lisa McNiven, Cindy from the White Lotus and myself are having a sampler sessions. You get four 20 minute treatment in Reflexology, Healing Touch, Live Blood Analysis and Biopulsar Reflexography. We decided to put this session on because we want the people of Pictou County to know that there is treatment that can help you heal and be healthier.Mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. You're worth it! Also there will be some vendors on site with some amazing products for mind, body and spirit. Only $60!! Phone Lisa at 902-755-7893 to reserve your spot.
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Have a great day everyone
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Have a great day everyone.
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You are enough
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Good morning everyone, have a great day.
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Good morning everyone, my altimate goal when I treat someone is to help them love themself.
The World of James Browne
Good morning everyone, have a great day
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Are you tired of being unhappy, depressed, no energy, sleeping all the time or not sleeping at all? Well I can help. I worked with my hands to evaluate your body for blockages that are cause by past trauma, fear, anger, hatred. Once found, I use different healing techniques to removed the blockages and help you let go of your past.
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I can help you let go of your past
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Good morning everyone, have a great day
Did you know that peppermind oil from young living help with cold sores I had a cold sore on my lip, place a little bit of oil a few time a day and the cold sore never became bigger and went away in a few days.