Yulia Wong is a 9-year-old girl who grows up in Hong Kong. She doesn’t possess piles of certificates and awards, and she doesn’t overload herself with extra-curricular classes, tutorial classes, or exam skills drillings. She is full of passion for creation. Yulia is fascinated by artistic stuff and dreams of becoming a poet and an illustrator. Her days are filled up with reading, writing and drawing to her heart’s content. She started taking drawing classes when she was three, and she started doing her own writing at six. Her various creative works include poems, lyrics, stories, fairy tales, comics, paintings, fashion designs, etc. Since there are so many products generated out of her passion, her mother has to put them at the bottom of the drawers or sends some of them to the bin secretly as there are too many of them to be kept in the house. This story and the drawings survived by accident. Yulia is trying to retrieve more her manuscripts and she hopes to bring more to readers in the near future.
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See you at the book launch event on 30July
童書分享及新書發佈 7月30日,元朗三聯書店,大家請支持。
恭喜11位於「第十屆香港書獎」獲獎作家! 開幕影片:《熱誠》 講述由蔡炎培飾演的老醫師,為書店老闆李達寧、出版社老闆彭志銘、過萬藏書大律師劉偉聰及小作家小芷柔診症,各人與書本結下不解之緣,在不同的崗位上秉持對創作的火熱之心。
Our Two Little Authors/ Illustrators Yulia Wong and Hazel Lam
Go beyond an ever after : Classic Tale Series 2 "The Greenut Tortoise and the Fluffball Rabbit" by Yulia Wong will be released very soon. Make sure to keep your eyes on the book!