Polident Flexible and Reliable Partner
Get to know us, our products and moore…
Polident prilagodljiv in zanesljiv partner
Spoznajte nas, naše izdelke... We are Dental Products Manufacturer. Our main products are artificial acrylic teeth Ref-Line, Primodent and Cross Linked. Furthermore we are producing Polident CAD-CAM discs, Acrylics, Investment materials … (more about find in catalogues on our web site
We have been present on the market since 1958. Our team has expanded to 130 employees and together with our young, flexible and goal-oriented Management, we strive for quality and innovation in our products. We are also proud of the fact that the entire production process – from design to the final product – is still taking place here in Slovenia. We constantly invest in modernization, and due to increased needs, we will expand the production and add a new warehouse in the next two years.
We sell our products in over 50 countries around the world. First-class quality of our products puts us alongside the leading global companies in the dental industry.
Smo proizvjalec dentalnih produktov. Naši pomembnejši izdelki so umetni akrilatni zobje Ref-Line, Primodent in Cross Linked. Poleg tega izdelujemo tudi Polident CAD-CAM diske, akrilate, vložne mase… ( več lahko najdete v katalogih na naši spletni strani
Na trgu smo prisotni že od leta 1958.Z ekipo, ki danes šteje cca.130 zaposlenih in mladim, fleksibilnim in ciljno orientiranim vodstvom, si prizadevamo za kvaliteto in inovativnost proizvodov. Ponosni smo tudi na dejstvo, da se celoten proces proizvodnje – od načrtovanja, do končnega proizvoda – še vedno odvija pri nas, v Sloveniji. Nenehno vlagamo v modernizacijo, zaradi povečanih potreb pa bomo v prihodnjih dveh letih razširili proizvodnjo in dodali novo skladišče.
Naše proizvode prodajamo v preko 50 držav po vsem svetu, prvovrstna kvaliteta pa nas postavlja ob bok vodilnim svetovnim podjetjem v dentalni panogi.
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facebook.comMagic nature...
Enjoy this holiday season with your dearest!
We are on holidays till 7th January 2018. Merry Christmas to you all!
Santa - a woman - NO WAY!
With our kids we have made lolipopnose reindeer while waiting on Santa last week. Would you like to do it too?
Enjoy this December days with your family!
Past? Future?!
A great afternoon with our kids visited by Santa.
On Polident will be today our children visited by Santa.
Good Morning everybody! Enjoy this December days...
Don´t argue with your kids...
Polident is supporting Ultramarathon Runner ALEKSANDRA FORTIN who will take part on fifth GORICATLON 2017 the charity run along the streets of Nova Gorica,which will take place on Saturday, December 23th, 2017. She runs 117 laps in 12 hours in December 2015 and greeted the admiration of all those present.