Pure Aura Beauty & Holistic focuses on giving you the full relaxing experience. We try to use only natural health products that are Vegan & cruelty free. Pure Aura Beauty & Holistic is based online, and in Clontarf. Run by Mariel O`Keeffe, she has been working as a Holistic therapist for over 10 years, and specialises in Healing, Angel Card Readings, and classes in mediumsip and healing. She also is a trained nutritional therapist, and beauty therapist. Have a look at our services for more details.
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Angel card of the day xx<3
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I had someone ask me a few years ago, is there any need for healers anymore? I didn't know how to answer at the time, but over the years it's given me great thought. Why can't you just go to a counsellor? Will pills not just fix it? Maybe its seen as an outdated technique, but it's old as time, it stuck around for this long. Sometimes it's just for an energy boost. Sometimes there's something more than just talking about it. Sometimes it hurts too much to talk about it. Sometimes we are afraid of being labelled, sometimes we need support for more than just our mind. Whatever it is, to this day people still come to me for help. I may not be the only source of help they receive, but they have never walked away and say something negative. They knew their spiritual side needed something that couldn't be found elsewhere.
Power of Positivity
Elephant Journal
This morning, I am grateful for what I have Everything is perfect in my life Thank you!
Power of Positivity
Omg I'm crying lol
Pure Aura Beauty & Holistic
The Master Shift
Thich Nhat Hanh
Kris Carr
Spirituality Ireland
Moonbeams and Mayhem