Oklahoma Technology Association Oklahoma Technology Association provides leadership,
legislative voice, professional development and support for the
integration of technology into teaching and learning in Oklahoma.
This is accomplished by providing information and services to its
members,teachers, districts, legislators, and the general public.
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Oklahoma Technology Association - Hennessey Public Schools
Oklahoma Technology Association - Hennessey Public Schools https://oktech.socs.net/vnews/display.v/SEC/Helpful%20Links%7CEmployment%20Opportunities#.WOflwoJh0Ns.twitter
Oklahoma Tech Directors Day is Wednesday February 22nd! Tech Directors are invited to celebrate with OTA! https://goo.gl/7LZHiG #oklaed
Oklahoma Technology Association / Oklahoma Technology Association
Shannon McClintock Miller will be the Keynote Speaker at #OTAEM16! http://www.oktech.org/default.aspx?PageID=1
OTA Executive Director Greg Kasbaum outlines the State of our State for the next year. http://goo.gl/03gmTq #oklaed @GKasbaum
Navigating the Digital Shift
Navigating the Digital Shift: Digital Instructional Materials Acquisition http://home.edweb.net/webinar/navigating-the-digital-shift-digital-instructional-materials-acquisition/ With OTA Vice President Tammy Parks. @TParks #OKLAED