The Villa
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facebook.comThe Villa buried one of its own today. We have a huge hole. But we are a resilient bunch .... He taught us so much ... and made us all better people. We'll gather on Sunday as usual. But this Sunday it will be in memory of Eric.
Somebody needs to build this for ALSFest's auction!!
Anyone looking for something to bring, we need plastic forks and "dinner size" paper plates.
Hey Wade, how many black chips have you got? (hint hint) the Villa needs to "throw" a party
June 19th! Karoake Party! Celebrate the June Birthdays! Whoo Hoo! Who's with me?!!!
Save the date!!! Third Annual ALS Fest - we're narrowing in on Saturday, August 27, 2016! New this year - limited sponsorship opportunities!!! More to come soon!