Winter Haven Public Library
The Library is owned and operated by the City of Winter Haven in beautiful Central Florida. CITY OF WINTER HAVEN SOCIAL MEDIA POLICY
Under Florida law, all content on the Department's Facebook page is subject to public records law, Chapter 119, Florida Statutes. By becoming a fan or friend your information will be a matter of public record.
Social Media Posting Policy:
We encourage the public to share thoughts as they relate to the topic being discussed. You are fully responsible for the content of your comments. We welcome your comments, but we expect comments generally to be courteous, follow our rules of decorum, and be related to the posting being discussed.
To that end, we have established the following policy and we reserve the discretion to hide/remove comments that:
contain obscene, indecent, or profane language; contain threats or defamatory statements; are bullying, intimidating, or harassing any user; contain personal attacks; contain hate speech; promote or endorse services or products; suggest or encourage illegal activity; are multiple, repetitive off-topic posts by a single user (spam); are not topically related to the particular posting; or violate a legal ownership interest of any other party. The rules of decorum are in place to encourage civil discourse and to prevent a poster from disrupting dialog in a way that prevents or impedes the accomplishment of the purpose of any of our social media sites including Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter. Our purpose is to convey important public information, increase our ability to quickly, effectively, and efficiently reach and engage the citizens of Winter Haven to further our mission in creating a preferred place in which to live, work, play, learn and raise a family.
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facebook.comWinter Haven Public Library Card Design Contest!! The deadline to submit entries is September 22 at 5 p.m. (midnight for electronic submissions). For more information and for entry rules please visit the following link:
Florida Rural Legal Services will be hosting a FREE Family Law Clinic TODAY (August 16, 2017) at 10AM-12PM at the Polk County Law Library (3rd Floor, 255 N. Broadway, Bartow, FL 33830). For more information click here: (en espanol: )
SEEDLab Class: Learn with - August 15 at 10:30AM-12:00PM. Register Online:
Florida Rural Legal Services will be hosting a FREE Family Law Clinic August 16, 2017 at 10AM-12PM at the Polk County Law Library (3rd Floor, 255 N. Broadway, Bartow, FL 33830). For more information click here: (en espanol: )
Get Rolling Stone Magazine FREE! Just go to the, scroll down to Download Magazines and create an account. Rolling Stone, as well as may other top magazines, is available for free download...and, you don't have to return's your to keep! Library card required. Instructions: [RB Digital, formerly Zinio]
SEEDLab Class: ¡Aprende inglés con Rocket Languages - August 12 at 10:30AM-12:00PM. Register Online:
Saturday Afternoon Movie: Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul (PG) 2PM in the Multi-Purpose room
SEEDLab Class: Getting Started with Google Drive - August 8 at 10:30AM-12:00PM. Register Online:
SEEDLab Classes: Facebook 101 - August 5 at 10AM-11:30AM. Register online:
Tuesday Book Club - August 15: Every Fifteen Minutes by Lisa Scottoline - 4 p.m. in the Historical Conference Room
Winter Haven Public Library Card Design Contest!! The deadline to submit entries is September 22 at 5 p.m. (midnight for electronic submissions). For more information and for entry rules please visit the following link:
Teen event at the Winter Haven Recreation & Cultural Center at 801 Avenue T NE.