Latoya's In home Daycare
Where every child haves an one on one experience !!!! Hello Parents,
My name is Latoya Spencer.
I have been in the child care business for eight years.
I'm Located in the Old Vineyard Rd. and Country Club area.
I am taking application now for child care from 6:30am-5:00 pm Monday-Friday and 2nd shift Monday-Thrusday!!
Now accepting children from the ages newborn-5 years old.
Maybe you need drop in service I will always be available just call a day ahead.
Special rates !!!!!
If you are interested call me from 7:00 am-7:00pm or please contact me by email.
Thank you,
Tell your friends
facebook.comGood morning faces from Latoya’s In home Daycare 😍😍😍😍!
Enrollment Alert 🚨 Good morning everyone We have one full time spot open for ages 2-4 and one part time spot open for ages 2-4. Inbox me for more information spots fill up fast !
Everyday is a great day
These kids education matters !
God I thank you for allowing me to celebrate my 6 year anniversary today. 6 years ago I walked out on faith and opened up my own in home daycare ! Nothing but greatness since then. I have watched so many children grow and overcome different obstacles. Special thanks to every parent that has trusted me with their child/children! To see them grow up through the first part of their lives is/was so amazing. I have learned so much over the past 6 years and still learning different things every year. HAPPY 6th Anniversary to me Latoya's in Home Daycare! My saying "Step out on faith and allow God to use you"! Thanks for all the support from the bottom of my heart I love you all ❤️
If anyone have any questions please feel free to ask me questions in my inbox or give me a call thank you 😊
Happy birthday Avery White you have grown so much 😘!
Hello Parents, My name is Latoya Spencer. I have been in the child care business for 10 years. I'm Located in the Old Vineyard Rd. and Country Club area. I am taking application now for child care from 7am-5pm Monday-Friday Now accepting children from the ages 2-5 years old. Maybe you need drop in service during business hours I will always be available just call a day ahead. Special rates !!!!! If you are interested call me at 3368165194 or email me for more info from 7:00 am-7:00pm please contact me by phone or by email. Thank you,
Open spots inbox me for more information! 2-5 years only.