Ellerslie Discipleship Training
The official Page for Ellerslie Discipleship Training in Windsor, CO. This training experience is designed to super-charge your spiritual walk, deepen your daily relationship with Jesus Christ, ground you in a Gospel worldview, give you an unshakable passion for God’s Word, and prepare you for a lifestyle of Kingdom work.
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facebook.com“Does the Lord intend to make man happy? Sure... but it's a byproduct, not a prime product.” - Paris Reidhead
“But God has an age-old, time-tested method for raising children, and it's high time we brought it back to the Church of Jesus Christ, both in parenting our kids and in the way we respond to being parented by our God.” Parenting. It’s more than bedtime routines, consistent discipline, and college funds. It is a grand and glorious opportunity to build the Kingdom of God! Children raised with fact-based parenting from the principles of God’s Word will become adults that impact eternity. Listen to Pastor Eric’s sermon today! To listen to Pastor Eric’s sermon, Fact-Based Parenting, please visit: http://ellerslie.com/sermons/eric-ludy/9-18-11/fact-based-parenting
“The entire Bible is about One Thing, points to One Thing, and reveals One Thing – and that One Thing is Jesus Christ and His amazing redemptive work on the Cross! - Eric, from Are These Really My Pants?
“Worrying is carrying tomorrow's load with today's strength – carrying two days at once. It is moving into tomorrow ahead of time. Worrying doesn't empty tomorrow of its sorrow, it empties today of its strength.” - Corrie ten Boom
2017 Conference | Set Apart Girl
Only a few weeks until Leslie’s annual Set Apart Conference! Women of all ages will be refreshed and inspired by the powerful biblical truths during this weekend. If you’ve thought about attending, there are on-campus spots still available! Can’t make it to beautiful Colorado? Register for a simulcast today to share with your home or church. Whatever you choose, don’t miss this opportunity to sit at Jesus’ feet and learn how to build your daily life around Him! Watch our conference video to hear Leslie share her heart for these life-changing messages: http://setapartgirl.com/the-conference
“A woman’s position in the church is a much-debated topic today. With straightforward candor and insight, Pastor Eric Ludy walks through Scripture revealing how God chose women from the most unlikely places to be used in bringing forth the Messiah—and in so doing, casts a vision for the beauty and function of femininity.” To listen to Pastor Eric’s sermon, The Position of the Woman, please visit: http://ellerslie.com/sermons/eric-ludy/9-13-15/the-position-of-the-woman
“Ellerslie is willing to become a training program for the underground church. We desire our students to learn to live like Bonhoeffer, suffer like Wurmbrand, preach like Spurgeon, and to die as Elliot.” Eric, from The Bold Return of the Dunces
“Although my memory's fading, I remember two things very clearly: I am a great sinner and Christ is a great Savior.” - John Newton
Are you longing to discover God’s beautiful and sacred intent for femininity? This message brushes against some of the most controversial ideas of the Bible, but surprisingly, as it approaches the socially insensitive and forbidden topic of the "role of women," instead of creating spiritual indigestion, it paints a picture of ravishing beauty. To listen to the message, Feminine Beauty, please visit: http://ellerslie.com/sermons/eric-ludy/5-8-11/feminine-beauty
Almighty. Omnipotent. The Good Shepherd. The Great I AM….these are just a few of the titles of the One who is holy, holy, holy! Refresh yourself in all that He IS by this meditation on the names of God as revealed through His Word. You will be stirred to worship! To watch the short film, He Is, please visit: http://ellerslie.com/short-films/he-is
“Entire givenness to the will and agenda of Christ Jesus—that's the essence of Christianity. To many this sounds like the oppressive whim of a taskmaster god, but to those made alive by the grace of our God, such a life is considered the ultimate privilege.” To listen to Pastor Eric’s sermon, Consecration, please visit: http://ellerslie.com/sermons/eric-ludy/2-21-10/consecration
“God is looking for a few willing souls ready to journey into the untamed wilds of His grace. He’s looking for a few good pioneers. Who will be the Polycarps, the Tyndales, and the Aylwards of this era? Could it be you?” Eric, from When God Writes Your Life Story