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National Association for Gun Rights

, Windsor, United States
Non-Profit Organization



Sign up for FREE Email Alerts Here: With its rapidly expanding membership of 3.5 million grassroots activists, The National Association for Gun Rights has led the charge to halt the radical anti-gun agenda across the nation. Accepting no compromise on the issue of gun control, NAGR works tirelessly to hold politicians accountable for their anti-gun views, and have made great strides in protecting and preserving the Second Amendment. But our effectiveness in the battle against the gun grabbers depends entirely on the support of gun rights supporters like you.


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Currently, gun grabbers are threatening to KILL the Hearing Protection Act, which removes suppressors from the NFA’s list of highly regulated weapons. Americans who need better hearing protection, or simply wish to stop padding the ATF’s coffers with $200 fees must band together and sign our petition to support the Hearing Protection Act RIGHT AWAY! >>

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Leave the U.N. “Small Arms Treaty” - Sign now!

We must make sure that President Trump un-signs the “Small Arms Treaty.” No treaty trumps the Second Amendment!

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Let us know!

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Will YOUR state be next?

Regardless of where you live, we need Second Amendment supporters like YOU to put their name on the record, reaffirming that the Second Amendment is the only “permit” needed to keep and bear arms. Sign your pledge today!

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In his fuming anger after the election of President Donald Trump, billionaire anti-gun activist Michael Bloomberg pledges to spend $25 million to attack your right to keep and bear arms. Will you join the fight to stop him and his cronies?>>

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Donate $20 to restore our gun rights in 2017, and get this sassy-but-classy NAGR women’s tee. Don’t wait! >>

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What are your priorities?

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Join the National Association for Gun Rights

Help ensure that politicians take a “no-compromise” stance on our gun rights! Join TODAY.

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Your National Association for Gun Rights and our state affiliate, Rocky Mountain Gun Owners, are in court fighting to repeal the magazine ban in Colorado! This monumental court case could have national repercussions. Please chip in to continue defending gun rights across the nation! >>

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We need YOU to save the Hearing Protection Act!

Currently, gun grabbers are threatening to KILL the Hearing Protection Act, which removes suppressors from the NFA’s list of highly regulated weapons. Americans who need better hearing protection, or simply wish to stop padding the ATF’s coffers with $200 fees must band together and sign our petition to support the Hearing Protection Act RIGHT AWAY!

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What other fake words are you tired of hearing from gun grabbers?

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Don’t leave our veterans behind!

Since 2007, over 200,000 veterans were deprived of their gun rights, and all of them are still under this onerous gun ban! Sign NOW to urge your Senators and Representative to FULLY repeal the Veterans Gun Ban.
