Wilbraham Children's Museum
An indoor facility geared towards children 5 and under operating playgroups daily as well as open hours for those who prefer a drop-in-when-you-can play time.
An outdoor playground geared towards children 5 and under. An indoor facility geared towards children 5 and under operating playgroups daily as well as open hours for those who prefer a drop-in-when-you-can play time.
An outdoor playground geared towards children 5 and under.
Tell your friends
facebook.comTomorrow is our Town Wide Tag Sale! We will be selling the maps at WCM from 8 am to Noon, and at Town Hall from 8 am to 11 am. Maps will not be sold earlier than 8 am. Remember many of these sales are in residential areas, please drive carefully! Thank you to everyone who is participating, and we hope you all have a safe and happy Tag Sale experience!
Photos from Wilbraham Children's Museum's post
Spring is here, and it comes with the usual pests. It seems that this year is particularly a bad year for ticks. They are EVERYWHERE! And yes, that means the playgrounds around town, most parks, your yard, just about everywhere outdoors! WCM is doing it's due diligence to keep our kids safe as possible by educating ourselves and sharing what we learn. We spoke with our advisory board representative, Dr. Nordstrom, of Pediatric Services, and we were given some great information. If you are planning on playing outdoors, please dress appropriately, and use a bug spray of your choosing. Do a complete check at end of outdoor play, removing clothing if needed. Sometimes tucking pants into socks can help as well. If you or your child has been bitten by a tick, please remove as soon as possible. A tick on less than 24 hours is less likely to spread disease. As always, consult your doctor with any questions, concerns, or help with tick removal. Please read the attached, and there is further information on their web site. http://www.pediatricservicesinwilbraham.com/ We will keep you posted as to our other options for the playground. We are currently still looking at "child safe and nontoxic" options.
Wilbraham Town Wide Tag Sale - Rain or Shine
Last chance to register!
Wilbraham Town Wide Tag Sale - Rain or Shine
This Saturday!! Rain or shine!
CALLING ALL VOLUNTEERS - I need two or three volunteers to help sell maps for the Town Wide Tag Sale this Saturday morning. Times needed are 8am to noon. Please comment if you can help. It's takes a great community of people working together to keep WCM's programs and playground running smoothly. Volunteering at an event is a great way to show your appreciation! Thanks in advance!
Wilbraham Town Wide Tag Sale - Rain or Shine
Town Wide Tag Sale THIS WEEKEND!!! Register your tag sale for only $12! All proceeds support WCM's playgroups and programs.
Wilbraham Children's Museum - Home
Important Reminders to everyone who frequents the WCM Playground - 1-There is no public trash removal. Please carry out what you carry in. We encourage you to set an example and be a good neighbor. 2-Please do not remove or add any toys to or from the play area without contacting a board member first. Several broken toys "appeared" this week and this becomes a safety issue. Also, many items went missing this week from our new Dinosaur and Jungle Dig Sandbox area. We ask that everyone treat WCM and the playground with the respect it deserves. Our volunteers work tirelessly year round to fundraise and support the museum, playground, and programs. Please consider helping by volunteering or making a donation - www.wilbrahamchildrensmuseum.com Thank You!!!!
Wilbraham Town Wide Tag Sale - Rain or Shine
ONLY TWO WEEKS TO GO! REGISTER YOUR TAG SALE NOW! Great opportunity to clean house and support WCM - All profits from tag sale registrations will support our continued improvements to the playground we all love. Please share!!
Bonnie Light - Music for Little People
We are super excited that Bonnie is bringing her wonderful music program to WCM! This class is full of singing, dancing, playing and family fun for parents/caregivers with children Birth to Age Five. Class is held at WCM each Tuesday night from 5:30 TO 6:15 PM. Registration is open now and there are ten spots per class. We are very pleased to announce that Bonnie is offering a discount to WCM members! Class is only $10 per week per family! Another great reason to support WCM with your membership. Registration is a first come basis, please comment next to the spot available to commit to registration. Payment is due at the first class.
Photos from Wilbraham Children's Museum's post
Coming to the playground soon... after it's done being this year's Peach Blossom Festival 2017 Big Chair Photo Booth! 😄 Big thanks to our volunteers Brian Harrigan Robert Roy Michael Chapline
Wilbraham Town Wide Tag Sale - Rain or Shine
Have you started cleaning those closets out, the playroom, the kids rooms?? Register your home or business for the Wilbraham Town Wide Tag Sale!
Flag Themed Hike & Scavenger Hunt
Join the Wilbraham Open Space Committee in a guided hike. We will be on the look out 👀 for our 🇺🇸 American Flags missing Stars & Stripes. When we arrive back to our trail head we will work together to assemble the American Flag in honor of Flag Day! Near Silver Bell Farm on Silver Street look for the trail head and sign.