Whittier Community Foundation
Today, Tomorrow, Together Our first project was the Whittier Police Memorial Statue which was given as a gift to the City of Whittier. The money for this project was raised through private donations from local businesses and generous residents. The Memorial, entitled "The Final Salute," allows the community of Whittier to remember our 2 fallen officers, Mike Lane and John Pierce, and honor members of our Whittier Police Department both past and present.
Our next project is raising money to fund fitness equipment on the Greenway Trail. Two upcoming events will help us raise money for this project: Paws 4 a Cause on September 24 and the 5K Run on October 29.
Tell your friends
facebook.comThe Community Foundation's next big project is going to be a tribute to our firefighters. Yesterday we had the first meeting of the "Firefighter Tribute" Committee. Great group of dedicated people. Looking forward to working together an art piece to honor firefighters. Carol Robinson Crosby Bonnie Jinde Watje Ross Gile Caren Rosales Grisham Chris Hardeman Shannon Gimbel-Hammer Michael Gimbel Greg Alaniz Gina Santana Rudy Hernandez La Donna Munier
We have many dancing fundraisers coming up and now is the time to register online. March 20 – Whiskey Wisdom (David Gonzalez) www.whittiercf.org/david March 21 – Wine Tasting – Hot Havana Nights at Crepes and Grapes (Elizabeth Martinez) www.whittiercf.org/elizabeth April ? – Poker Night (Manuel Urteaga) www.whittiercf.org/manuel April 7 – Angel’s Game (Susan Ayala) www.whittiercf.org/susan
At another DWTWS fund raiser for the Community Foundation. This time it’s a Poker Night for Manuel Urteaga!! Fun times!!
Support David Gonzalez at his Whiskey Wisdom Fundraiser for Dancing with the Whittier Stars. Donate here -> www.whittiercf.org/david
One more great event!! Sign or donate here -> www.whittiercf.org/manuel
Our dancers are having some great fund raisers this year. Here's another way to support WCF, Dancer Tiffany Arias and Whittier!!
Don't forget Cheryl's "Street Hotdog Fund Raiser" today!! Hope to see lots of Cheryl and WCF supporters there!!
Support one of our Dancers - Susan Ayala at the Los Angeles Angels baseball game. You can sponsor Susan and purchase tickets now using your credit card at www.whittiercf.org/susan.