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Saltwater, "BUY IN BAG SALE" Tomorrow (Tuesday, March 1st)!! Get a chance to go through the Saltwater shipment as we unpack the fish, and buy the livestock at a Super Discount! Fish, Inverts, Corals, it's all included! Should be sometime in the evening, (Maybe after 6pm ish) depends on the airlines. Call us for flight details or for any questions. We will be open until 8pm. All Sales are final. Once fish are all unpacked, and swimming in our tanks, they will not be for sale until they are ready, and will be at regular prices. Thanks!
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LAST DAY TO ORDER CORNERFLOW TANKS BELOW OUR WHOLESALE COSTS! We need pre-orders in by 3:30pm TODAY (Mon. the 29t) to get the sale price! We can do card payments over the phone as well if you can not make it in. Just call 303-429-1941 Price Chart below. Thanks! Happy Leap Year!
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Just updating you guys on some sales going on for the end of the month! (Please click the "See More" button if it shows.) Time is crunching to get your Cornerflow Tanks ordered! Monday by 3:30pm is the deadline! Price chart at the bottom of the newsletter. Aquatop CF-400 Canisters still on sale for just 99.99 with built in UV. Coral Frags that are Reg. 14.99 on sale this weekend for only 9.99! Other Corals on sale too! Sale ends Monday the 29th at Closing. Lots of High Quality Bettas in stock! Half Moons, Crowntails, and Dragon Super Deltas FRESHWATER FISH SPECIALS Asst. Lyretail Mollies SALE 2.99 or 4/10.00 Lg. Red Wag Lyretail Swords SALE 6.99 or 3/20.00 Asst. Small Angels in Tank One, SALE 4.99 or 5/20.00 Bronze Cory Cats SALE 2.99 or 4/10.00 Apistogramma cacatuoides "Double Red" SALE 9.99 Albino Bichir Dinosaur Eels SALE 7.99 or 3/20.00 Ornate Bichir Eels SALE 29.99 Tiger Shovelnose Cats SALE 9.99 Red Cap Orandas SALE 2.99 or 4/10.00 Geophagus brasiliensis SALE 3.99 3/10.00 Only one sm. Jardini Arowana Left at 99.99 4 to 5 inch Silver Arowanas 49.99 Rainbow Sharks 2.99 or 4/10.00 Roseline Sharks 10.99 or 3/30.00 Platinum Green Barbs 5.99 or 3/15.00 Asst. Cory Cats (Green, Pepper, Albino) 3.99 or 3/10.00 Glass Cats 5.99 Harlequin Rasboras 2.49 or 5/10.00 Sm. Common Plecos 2.99 Neon Tetras 1.49 or 3/4.00 African Dwarf Frogs 3.99 or 3/10.00 AFRICAN CICHLID SPECIALS Frontosa Burundi Juveniles SALE 10.00 or 3/30.00 Tropheus deboisi Juveniles SALE 12.99 4/50.00 Sm. Albino Socolofi SALE 2.99 or 4/10.00 Sm. Auratus SALE 1.99 or 6/10.00 Sm. Kenyi SALE 1.99 or 6/10.00 Asst. Med. Malawi Mbuna in 75gal SALE 8.99 or 3/25.00 or 5/30.00 Asst. Malawi Mbuna in 40gal SALE 5.99 or 4/20.00 Med. Albino Sunshine & Albino Strawberry Peacocks SALE, Showing Males 14.99, Attempted Pairs 1m/1f 19.99, Attempted Trios 1m/2f, 24.99 SALTWATER SPECIALS Harlequin Shrimp SALE 24.99 Tank Raised Ocellaris Clownfish SALE 12.99 or 4/50.00 Yellow Tangs SALE 29.99 Feather Dusters SALE 10.99 Sales Valid through Mon the 29th at closing. SEE YOU GUYS THIS WEEKEND!
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Some new freshwater fish in! 4 to 5 inch Silver Arowanas 49.99 Sm. Jardini Arowanas 99.99 (NICE, Only 2 Available) Rainbow Sharks 2.99 or 4/10.00 Roseling Sharks 10.99 or 3/30.00 Platinum Green Barbs 5.99 or 3/15.00 Asst. Cory Cats (Green, Pepper, Albino) 3.99 or 3/10.00 Glass Cats 5.99 Harlequin Rasboras 2.49 or 5/10.00 Sm. Common Plecos 2.99 Neon Tetras 1.49 or 3/4.00 African Dwarf Frogs 3.99 or 3/10.00 New Disucs 2.5 inch Lemon Discus 32.99 And some other new 3" plus discus 36.99 Thanks!
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Fish Sales Listed Below! FRESHWATER FISH SPECIALS Asst. Lyretail Mollies SALE 2.99 or 4/10.00 Lg. Red Wag Lyretail Swords SALE 6.99 or 3/20.00 Red Von Rio Tetras SALE 3.29 or Last 4 for 10.00 Asst. Small Angels in Tank One, SALE 4.99 or 5/20.00 Asst. Small Angels in Tank Two, SALE 3.99 or Last 4 in that tank for 14.00 Bronze Cory Cats SALE 2.99 or 4/10.00 Harliquin Rasboras in Tank One, SALE 2.99 or Last 4 for 10.00 (Tank Two's Rasboras not ready yet) Apistogramma cacatuoides "Double Red" SALE 9.99 Albino Bichir Dinosaur Eels SALE 7.99 or 3/20.00 Ornate Bichir Eels SALE 29.99 Tiger Shovelnose Cats SALE 9.99 Red Cap Orandas SALE 2.99 or 4/10.00 Geophagus brasiliensis SALE 3.99 3/10.00 AFRICAN CICHLID SPECIALS Frontosa Burundi Juveniles SALE 10.00 or 3/30.00 Tropheus deboisi Juveniles SALE 12.99 4/50.00 Sm. Albino Socolofi SALE 2.99 or 4/10.00 Sm. Auratus SALE 1.99 or 6/10.00 Sm. Kenyi SALE 1.99 or 6/10.00 Asst. Med. Malawi Mbuna in 75gal SALE 8.99 or 3/25.00 or 5/30.00 Asst. Malawi Mbuna in 40gal SALE 5.99 or 4/20.00 Med. Albino Sunshine & Albino Strawberry Peacocks SALE, Showing Males 14.99, Attempted Pairs 1m/1f 19.99, Attempted Trios 1m/2f, 24.99 SALTWATER SPECIALS Tank Raised Ocellaris Clownfish SALE 12.99 or 4/50.00 Yellow Tangs SALE 29.99 Thanks Guys!
About Fish, Inc.
Aquatop Cf-400 Canister Filters with UV Sterilizers on Sale this weekend for only 99.99! If Supplies run out, you can have us order you one anytime before Monday the 29th by 3:30pm, for Wednesday's truck!
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Time is running out if you would like to pre-order some of the Cornerflow tanks that are on sale! Monday the 29th by 3:30pm is the last we will be able to get a tank for you at the sale price! Chart below! There is also a 125, and a 120XH, in the shop right now for the sale price!
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SOME NEW SALTWATER STUFF IN! Harlequin Shrimp for only 24.99! Yellow Tangs Reg. 34.99 SALE 29.99! lg. Manderins 19.99 Feather Dusters Reg. 12.99 ONLY 10.99!
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LOTS OF NEW HIGH QUALITY BETTAS IN STOCK! Half Moons, and Dragon Super Deltas, also still have a few Dragon Crowntails left. Asst. Colors on all of them. All Bettas are 6.99
Electric Blue Dempseys
South/Central American Cichlids
Electric Blue Acara
#cichlid #cichlids #lfs

OMG #vho #fluorescent lights spotted still in use at the #LFS. I used to love and swear by these lights, their intensity and spectrum but dang they are energy hogs compared to what we have today. #reeftank #reefcoral #reefbuilders #icecap
