West Springfield Council on Aging/Senior Center
The West Springfield Council on Aging provides services to older adults, their families, Caregivers & professionals. We offer meals, classes, benefits counseling & much more. Stop by, we love company!
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facebook.comMeals on Wheels is scheduled to take place today. Slow and steady is the work ethic of the day.
New Englanders know about snowstorms.... but did you know you can reduce your likelihood of falling this winter? Here's how...
Winter weather is predicted for Thursday, January 4th. Here are some do's and don'ts for you to prepare for the upcoming storm.
Crossword puzzles are good for your brain! Here's a free one! #crosswordpuzzle, #brainhealth,
Please be sure to check in on older relatives, friends and neighbors to make sure they have enough food supplies and fuel to keep their homes warm during these bitter cold days & nights. #coldweather, West Springfield, MA
Happy New Year! Our Center is closed today in observance of the New Year's Holiday. Our Center wishes you a healthy and happy New Year!
"Should old acquaintance be forgot, and never brought to mind?" The answer is a resounding, "No!"
Do you have Osteoarthritis? Walk it out and then some. Exercising can be good for you! #osteoarthritis, #aging, #health
Got trash from Christmas??? Here's how to handle your recycling. http://ow.ly/nwui30hraQB
Happy Kwansaa! http://ow.ly/62Er30hrba5
Restaurants can oftentimes be one of the first lines of defense. Read on...
The needs of older adults will continue to rise - especially transportation.