Numi Fitness LLC
In-home body transformation for individuals and small groups from a Certified Personal Trainer. Integrated Martial Arts Conditioning is available. NuMi Fitness provides fun and exciting body transformation through a fusion of Martial Arts movements and traditional exercise. Don't settle for the same old, boring routines. Uncover the New You through this innovative approach to fitness and health.
You will lose fat, build calorie burning muscle, and increase your endurance all while challenging your body in ways you wouldn't normally experience at a gym. NuMi Fitness also offers traditional weight training, interval, cardio, flexibility, core and stability training.
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facebook.comOne of the fitness industry's biggest trends could be dangerous
Besides the main idea of the article, there are some other good points in here. Rest is just as important as muscles need time to repair (believe me, before I became a certified fitness instructor, I used to over-train, so I know what it does to the body). If you want to try the newest fad, go ahead. Just make sure it's not all you do as you may be conditioning certain muscle groups and not others; exercise in other disciplines as well. Resistance, Cardio, Core, and Rest are all important.
Just a reminder to all those feeling one type of stress or another. Not only are proper nutrition and exercise important to health, but so is your mental state. Stress elevates cortisol levels which, in turn, store excess glucose primarily as fat in the abdomen. Take some time to yourself (even if it's only 5 minutes a day) to breathe and reset. One of my strategies is to look up to the sky and realize how small we really are in the grand design. It's at those moments that the little things I think are problems, suddenly fade. Here's one of my favorite morning drives (my eyes were actually in the road here, but the wonders of tech allow infinite playback and annihilation of stress :-) ). Oh, and get some sleep; it works wonders.
And you're doing thaaaaat...why?
Uncle Mike's Guide to A Healthier Life (Tip #72)
Tips for a weekend where you won't feel guilty come Tuesday: -Eat the good stuff first! -Have a salad and wait 10-20 minutes before grabbing that burger. -If the potato salad looks like it has too much mayo on it, it probably does! Have just a taste at the end of your meal if you still really want it. Potatoes are fantastic, but all the junk on them is not. -Don't eat chips out of the bowl or bag as you won't realize how much you've eaten. Take a few on your plate or napkin and don't refill when they are gone. Or, don't eat chips! If you do, make sure they are just potato, oil, and salt. No crazy flavors that equal more chemicals. -Too much alcohol will destroy you in more ways than one. Keep it in check. -Hot dogs are garbage! Take a look at a video online on how they are made before you even think about eating one. You'll never eat one again. Opt for a brat instead if you must. Yes, there's fat in there, but fat doesn't make us fat (unless you eat more than the body needs, of course). -Easy on the breads, chips, crackers, and cheese. Very easy! -Keep your water bottle close. Drink and refill all day! -Keep moving. If the kids want to play a game in the yard, put the phone down and do it! It's fun exercise.
Healthy tip of the day: America ROLLS on Dunkin The End
PSA #1
Chocolate-Almond Shake (What?!)
Direct link to video: Or click below to see it on the NuMi Fitness website.
Roasted Leek, Cauliflower, and Garlic Soup
Nori Rolls
I learned today one of my clients is two pants sizes down! I'm super proud of this guy!
Photos from Numi Fitness LLC's post
Chest and back day. An extra 60lbs should do nicely. Yup, pull ups are going to suck!