Xperience Fitness
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Improve your body and overall fitness with our Group Exercise classes. Workout in a fun, inspiring, and challenging environment with others, keeping you motivated and accountable to your goals in 2016. Check out all the classes & formats we offer at Xperience Fitness on our website: http://myxperiencefitness.com/group-exercise/ Which classes will you be trying?!
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Did you schedule a meeting at the gym today?? Show up for YOU. ...which also means you're showing up for your husband or wife, your significant other, your kids, your friends, your pets, your co-workers --- scheduling "YOU" time and SHOWING UP will have an impact on those around you. As you take care of Y-O-U, you become not only a stronger, better version of yourself, but capable of things you once didn't think were possible. You become UNSTOPPABLE. #XFUnstoppable
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Start TODAY! Find a goal to work towards and see it through to the end. Use motivation to get you started and self-discipline to keep you going. Every challenge you face will build strength. Personal growth will come from pushing yourself beyond the previous limitations you set. Some days will be harder than others - but remember what you're working for and know that we're here to help + cheer you on. It will be all be worth it once you cross that finish line and celebrate the journey you've taken to get there. #XFUnstoppable ***SHARE*** this post with anyone who might need a little inspiration to get started TODAY!
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Commit to your goals. Push yourself when no one else is around. Don't back down, even when times get tough. Be unstoppable in the pursuit of a healthy + happy life. SHARE this if you're making YOU a priority this year! #XFUnstoppable
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Packers or Vikings?! Try this NFL workout during tonight's game.
Xperience Fitness West Allis
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How will you choose to be UNSTOPPABLE in 2016? Share your New Year goals below!!
Xperience Fitness West Allis's cover photo
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Anything can happen. Anything can change. Anything is possible. Happy 2016! #xperiencefitness