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Páv Yoga

124 York Ave, Weatherford, United States
Yoga Studio



I teach hot power yoga, which is yoga with a sweaty, athletic punch! This style of yoga uses breath with movement which gets your body warmer faster! Pav Yoga's Schedule

Monday: 845-945 am; 11:00-12:00 pm; 6:30-7:30 pm
Tuesday: 11:00-12:00 pm; 6:30-7:30 pm
Wednesday: 8:45-9:45 am
                     5-6 pm Kids
                     6:30-7:30 pm
Thursday: 11:00-12:00 pm; 6:30-7:30 pm
Friday: 8:45-9:45 am
Saturday 8:45-9:45am


Last day to get on your mats before we take off to Vegas tomorrow afternoon! Three different chances to mat down: 845-945 am 11am-12pm 630-730pm

Classes tomorrow! Then we travel to Las Vegas for my daughter's dance competition! 845-945 am 11 am-12 pm 630-730 pm

It's the annual Peach Festival today! Don't worry yogis there is a great place to park! See you at 845 🍑

What else would make a Saturday better? Yoga at 845-945 am, then get your coffee and take a nap! Great plan!

The weekend has arrived! Have a wonderful weekend friends!

Two more chances to get on your mats this week! Friday: 845-945 am Saturday: 845-945 am

Let go and allow yourself to feel what you are feeling. In my own practice, I have a hard time letting go and feeling through it. I used to numb out the feelings I would have in my practice and I found that it mirrored my life. I would bury and numb unwanted feelings and continue on with a mask. Although, every time, those feelings would come back up and they would come back up with a vengeance. I encourage everyone that comes into the studio to acknowledge how they feel, notice it, embrace it and own it. It is their own unique experience and it is worth acknowledging. Yoga is more than an exercise to keep me healthy; it is a lifestyle that I have adopted to continue to better myself. I hope you will join me on your mats today from 11:00 am-12:00 pm or 6:30-7:30pm.

Oh balance poses. Sometimes our mat seems to be vibrating underneath of us while we are in tree pose and sometimes our mat is strong and steady! However, we know it is really our feet that are unstable and shaky. How can we help to stabilize our balance in these tricky poses? There are a few major points that we can ground down through in our feet. Try to focus on your center of your heel and your big toe and pinky toe ball mound. These three points can act like your anchor to drive down into your mat and stabilize your foot placement.

Pav Kids is all about the fun in yoga and exploring what our bodies can do! Bring your kid/s and get them moving on their mat from 5-6 tonight.

Tomorrow our playlist is the Rolling Stones! Sweating to some awesome oldies! 845-945 am 630-730 pm

Don't forget the studio is closed today! Enjoy your 4th and be safe!
