Gold's Gym Waukesha
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THE DAY HAS ARRIVED!!! Today is the FINAL DAY to check in and win for your Hawaiian #dreamvacation! Make sure you are checking in and to fill out your ballot at the front desk. All of your hard work has paid off and soon you will be ready to pack your bags! What is your final count on check-ins?
It’s Gold’s Trivia Time! True or False: Skipping meals is a good way to lose weight.
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As we approach the final 2 days of our #dreamvacation contest, we want to congratulate all of you for working so hard to make your wildest dreams come true. Check-in at LEAST 20 times on Facebook when you come to the gym. Haven’t gotten 20 check-ins yet? Don’t worry, there is still some time left!
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What are you looking forward to most about your Hawaiian #dreamvacation? 20 check-ins and you will be doing just that! Keep up all of your hard work, it will be worth it in the end!
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Why should you add quinoa to your diet plan?
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Are you more of a beach bum or a nature seeker? Remember, it’s YOUR #dreamvacation so let your inner dreamer soar! Let your dream motivate you towards a FREE tropical getaway. Head to your gym, fill out your paper ballot to get your entry, and check-in on Facebook 20 times to get your entry. This could all be yours, with just a few more check-ins!
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Just a few days away until our #dreamvacation contest comes to a close. Are you feeling the heat yet? That’s just the Hawaiian sun giving you a burn, grab your sun block! 20 check-ins will get you your entry into the contest with #dreamvacation in the post!
It’s Gold’s Gym Trivia Time! True or False: Carbohydrates cause weight gain.
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You’re only a few more check-ins away from gaining your entry to winning your #dreamvacation. Head to the gym, fill out your ballot, get your check-ins and get ready to win! What is on your #dreamvacation bucket list?
Ashley Conrad's Fat-Burning, Muscle-Building Celebrity Circuit
If you think circuit training is easy, think again.
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Check-In status update! How many #dreamvacation check-ins do you have so far? Keep it up, contest ends February 13th which means you still have time to make your dream become a reality. So head to Gold’s, fill out your ballot, check-in on Facebook and YOU could be the next winner.
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Have you filled out you ballot yet? For those of you that have been checking in, make sure you head to the front desk to fill out your official paper ballot to be a part of the contest. Your #dreamvacation is only a check-in away! Workout, Check-In and Win!
The Loveliest #LegDay ever haha ;) #HappyValentinesDay to everyone ;)

Back and biceps with my #PartnerInCrime The one known as SJK Samuel James

Got called up onstage with this Zumba Jammer! Room full of Zumba instructors, but no pressure, just jammed. Best part is its an excellent workout without the work! Sheer fun!!!

Ran into this guy! Great catching up man! #gymrats #longtimegymbuds #lifters #allday #killit #teambringit

Officially POOPED!!!! Lifted for an hour and then ran after ... Killed my workout today! Feeling better than ever! Except I was 2 miles short of what I was supposed to run for my half marathon training. Oh well!! I will run that tomorrow! 😀 #halfmarathontraining #gymselfie #readyforspring #nikepro #nikeplus #nikerunner #nikewomen #girlswhoflex #girlsthatlift #goldsgym #gymlife

First place feels good

Success!!!!! 😻 Registration transferred for both @daniel.wilson81 😁👏🏼🎉👍🏼 #LooooveLMUS ❤️ #NotSureIfWaukeshaShouldLookOutForUsOrViceVersa 😜😂😆💃🏼👯💁🏼🎉😈 LOL!! #LetTheGoodTimesRooooooooll #SooooooooEXCITED!!!!! 😍

Saturday Morning Workout @tnttank @chelle724z @teamtnt_wi #finishstrong #dontforgetthecalves #calvesonfire ##dedication #flykicks #teamtnt

I had zero clue that Gold's Gym still existed. But... I drove all the way to Wisconsin to Jam for 3 hours. Despite my love for dance, I walked in and saw the weight room and the meathead in me wants to straight lift for 3 hours!!! #chickswholift #zinlife #whereami

What do you do when you have a shit day?? Zone out for an hour at the gym. Thanks @charity44 for the great #moi #raceday ride!
