St. Bernard Catholic Church
St. Bernard Catholic Church is one of two Catholic Churches in Watertown, WI. Please visit our website for Mass times and for more information! Welcome to St. Bernard Catholic Church! St. Bernard is one of two Catholic churches located in Watertown, WI.
Together with St. Henry Catholic Church and the Watertown Catholic School – which has a “campus” at each parish – we make up the “Watertown Catholic Community.”
St. Bernard Catholic Church was founded in 1843 by a small group of Irish settlers. Over the past 170+ years a lot has changed but one thing has remained the same: our commitment to follow Jesus Christ by loving and serving God and others.
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facebook.comDID YOU HEAR?! Bishop Morlino will be presiding at the Watertown Catholic Festival Mass on Sunday, July 16 at 10 a.m.! Let's join Bishop Morlino and our Watertown Catholic community and fill Riverside Park to celebrate the Eucharist with our Lord! "Share" this post to fill the park!
S.O.S. - Support Our Students Watertown Catholic is collecting school supplies for the many families in our community that cannot afford supplies for their children. A container for your donations will be located at the back of church, or can be delivered to the Parish Office. The school supplies will be distributed to Parish families on Monday, Aug. 21 and to other eligible families on Tuesday, Aug. 22. S.O.S. is an annual project of the Shared Community Mission Group (SCMG), consisting of a number of local Churches. Thank you for caring for others in our community!
Our Lady of Fatima Rosary Gathering on July 8 at Noon On May 13, 1917, in Fatima, Portugal, Our Lady appeared to the three children, saying, "Do not be afraid; I will not harm you. I have come to ask you to come here for six months in succession on the thirteenth day of each month at this same hour. Later I will tell you who I am and what I want. Afterward, I will return here a seventh time.” A moment later, Our Lady added, “Pray the rosary every day to obtain peace for the world and the end of the war.” It is the Mother of Our Lord, whom he gave to us as he was dying on the cross for us, who asks us to pray for the conversion of sinners, reparation for the sins against her Son, and peace in the world. Join us at the Main Street Bridge at until the culmination on October 14. Please contact Tracy with questions at (920) 988-6288.
Which band are you most excited to see?!
Festival Seeking Silent Auction and Raffle Prizes If you would like to make or donate something for the Parish Festival Winner's Circle Raffle and/or Silent Auction, please bring your donated item to the St. Henry Parish office by July 10 or call (920) 206-0352 to schedule a pick-up. Other ways you can help: -Purchase and/or sell your raffle tickets -Volunteer to serve food, help with games and more! -Become a Festival Sponsor or Donor Call Barb at (920) 261-7273 x 103 to sign up. Help make your festival a huge success!