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Chabad Jewish Center of Vernon Hills

204 US Hwy 45, Vernon Hills, United States
Nonprofit Organization



We are open to all Jews, regardless of affiliation or personal level of observance. Come and enjoy your Judaism!


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First Shabbat of the Month! Come and celebrate Shabbat together with us at Chabad. Please join us this Saturday, July 1st, for First Shabbat, followed by a deluxe Kiddush lunch. SCHEDULE: Main service begins at 10:00 AM Kiddush Lunch at 11:45 AM The Kiddush this Shabbat has been generously sponsored by Rick and Jane Marcus in memory of Rick's mother, Nechama Bas Aaron who recently passed away. This week is when we will commemorate her Shloshim. May her Neshama have an Aliyah and may she only have Nachas from her family.

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Looking for a Hebrew School your child will love? No membership required. Visit for more info.

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13 Ways the Lubavitcher Rebbe Changed the World Forever

How to Send a letter

Today commemorates 23 years since the passing of the Lubavitcher Rebbe. Despite the passing of time, the Rebbe's vision, inspiration and teachings remain stronger and more present than ever before. The Rebbe taught us to view every person as the holy soul he or she is, not for the differences we may have. This is the inspiration behind Chabad - that every person is a soul and that every person matters. Today tens of thousands throughout the world are visiting the Rebbe's gravesite, a testament to the Rebbe's continued inspiration and far reach. Rabbi Susskind went today, waited on a two hour line, and prayed for all our friends and dear community. You can send your own prayers at the following link.

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It is with great pleasure to share with you that Chabad Hebrew School registration is now open. We are excited about all the opportunities that will be offered and warmly invite your child ( ages 5-13 ) to join for the 2017-2018 year. We are looking forward to the upcoming year; incorporating new and innovative ideas that will keep the students learning in a joyful, caring, and warm environment. Exciting age appropriate activities, Judaic arts and crafts, baking, music and so much more happen every Sunday at Chabad Hebrew School! Register your child/ren before August 1st and receive $30 off tuition. We look forward to an enjoyable and successful upcoming school year together!

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Tonight's class is at 7:30pm! Standing 50 years since 1967, we celebrate our deep connection to our holy land of Israel. Tonight's lesson is truly a meaningful and inspiring one. I invite you to come and try it out and see for yourself.

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The topic of lesson 4 is Land for Peace. Should we consider giving back land for the sake of peace? What are both sides of the debate? I am aware this topic can be a very controversial topic and it has been debated for many years. Nevertheless it is not a reason for us not to discuss both sides of the debate and to see what the Torah has to say about it. I really think you will enjoy Torah's perspective and come out with a deeper appreciation for our homeland Israel! I look forward to continuing our learning on Monday at 7:30pm.

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A new shipment of Mezuzot will be arriving shortly! Would you like one for your home or office? Let us know...

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Shavuot begins tonight! It was the most important moment in our nation's history. G-d Himself descended on the mountain. Speaking to each one of us, He declared, "I am G-d your G-d!" and then presented us each with the Torah to keep and cherish. It was a moment of love and commitment; indeed, the day G-d gave us the Torah is called our "wedding day." And this Wednesday, during the holiday of Shavuot, we will celebrate this momentous event anew! So how do we celebrate our marriage to G‑d? By affirming our bond with Him and His Torah, and strengthening our relationship. This Wednesday, May 31, at 6:00pm, let's all do our utmost to come to Chabad and listen to the reading of the Ten Commandments, once again experiencing and reaffirming the deal we struck at Sinai. And, since the Jewish children are the next link in the golden chain linking us all the way back to that fateful day in the desert, it's especially important to bring our children, even newborn babies. So let's all be there, and encourage our friends, family and neighbors not only to celebrate the past, but to enjoy the present and to recommit for the future. Wishing you and yours a joyous and meaningful Shavuot, Rabbi Shimmy Susskind

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