Main Street Vermilion
If you have recently visited Vermilion, please take this short survey Main Street Vermilion is an all-volunteer organization dedicated to promoting the historic and business districts of the city and responsible for bringing a variety of events to the community including the
Saturday Farmer’s Market, Lighthouse Project, Ice-A-Fair, Movies in the Park, Vermilion Harbour Triathalon and much more. Main Street Vermilion, Inc. is an Ohio Main Street Program dedicated to the preservation and promotion of our historic downtown business and residential district.
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Businesses, restaurateurs and retailers! Be sure to put this on your calendar, hosted at Route 6 Pub
Tree to Table Evenings
MSV partner The Olive Scene has an event coming up next week. Looking for something fun to do?
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Downtown building and business owners: come to this important meeting about the Community Development Block Grant. Find out what falls under this important opportunity for building restoration and renovation.
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Merchants, restaurateurs and business owners...see you Tuesday. Note the change in location Tiffany's Flowers at the Old Town Hall
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Looking for something creative to do while winter melts into spring? Go to and check out the lineup of workshops Arts Guild has in store for you...beginner to advanced classes and a beach glass jewelry making class, too! Oh, the fun you'll have.
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Love our volunteers: Mary Moes tidies up the front of the building. #volunteerism
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Happy Valentine's Day, Vermilion. Our bulletin board is filled with love notes on Vermilion...what do you love about your community today? #sharethelove
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MSV, St Mary Catholic School Vermilion and City of Vermilion Police Department hosts Cyber Safety Night at 685 Main Street...everyone welcome!
Main Street Van Wert
Main Street Vermilion
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Pete the Penguin with Aaron Costic of Elegant Ice Creations at Saturday's Ice-A-Fair. Both brought a lot of smiles to the faces of children and adults that day. #happypeople
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Melting ice is its own art form as this slowly fading remnant of Ice-A-Fair proves. #meltdown